Monday, February 25, 2008

"Bring It"

Mike and I just survived our first week of P90X. It was a killer, but oh so good at the same time. Don't know what P90X is? This blog gives a good review. This all started after Mike saw the infomercial. Yes, an infomercial. Don't judge us. He bought it cheap off ebay and so far it's been well worth it. Already we've both seen some results. Not dramatic, but hey, it's only been a week. The key is that we've been eating better too. A lot more protein, less fat, and less carbs. (Not NO carbs, less carbs.) I really dig this program because it doesn't promise a great body in just 10 minutes a day and allow you to eat what you want. It also doesn't cater to one body type. I think that's what appealed to Mike as well. It's not a gimmick or a get fit quick lie. You have to work at it. And trust me, we have been working hard all week lifting weights, doing plyometrics and yoga and making wise food choices. It's been intense, but I feel great. I really do. I didn't think my body would be up to the challenge, but my body is proving me wrong boys and girls. Anyway, we have been making way more meals at home now designed to fit around our personal dietary needs. The books have it all laid out for you. I like it when things are laid out for me because then I don't have to think. :) I have posted some of the recipes on our blog to give you an idea of what we've been eating lately. I'll probably post the ones I think are actually good, so check it once in awhile if you're interested. We have been keeping a food journal to show us what we actually put into our bodies. I know it sounds lame...counting calories and all. But I was surprised at how helpful its been. I've told a few of my friends about it so far, and they say stuff like "I couldn't do that because I love food too much." I love food too. You have no idea what kind of junk food junkie I really am. But somehow I'm still following the plan. This is a big deal coming from me, a person with practically no willpower. I wouldn't even be doing it if it wasn't for Mike. See, a long time ago Mike and I discussed taking a vacation to celebrate after we graduate. We were both going to be involved in the decision making and such, and then about a month ago he told me he wanted to surprise me. (yay, I love surprises!) So he's been making all these summer vacation plans for us, and I have absolutely no idea what we're doing or where we're going. But I have a feeling we might be in bathing suits a lot which would explain why Mike wanted to get P90X in the first place. After I found out about it I was like, "there's no way you're going to look all buff and hot while I look like a white, pasty blob!" So we've been committed to get in better shape, not just for the summer either, but for life hopefully. It's really nice to have someone there doing it with you and keeping you on track, ya know? So, that's why I agreed to do the program with him. And, you know what? I actually like it. So, nice job on that one babe. Just remember to "do your best and forget the rest," as our good friend Tony Horton would say. Oh, and one more thing...don't forget to "BRING IT."

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