Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Since Thanksgiving is this week I thought I'd share with you all some of the things I'm thankful for.

1. Obviously my life wouldn't be the same, let alone as good as it is, if it wasn't for Mike. He does so much for our family. I'm thankful that he works so hard in school and at his job, and at his calling, and as a father, and as a husband, and everything else he is and does. He is always willing to help me with anything, he supports me, he is emotionally there for me, he shows me affection, he changes dirty diapers, he cooks, he cleans, he washes the dishes, he displays patience and honesty and love. He is funny and smart and I love having conversations with him and he is spiritual and sweet and good looking, and he totally completes me in every sense of the word. So I am thankful for him.

2. I am thankful for our son. I believe Vessel was meant just for us. Vessel is very special and he brings so much joy into our home and into our lives. Vessel has a mild temperament which is good because I don't know if I could handle a really wild child right now! I am thankful that Vessel has always been healthy and strong, even in the womb. He brings a smile to my face everyday and I am thankful that I was blessed to be his mom.

3. I am thankful for the gospel. For some people, church and religion have no significant meaning or serves no purpose in their lives. For me, I couldn't live without it. I have known the feeling of being without the church in my life, and have known the feeling of it's presence, and I much prefer the latter. I am thankful for my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. Without it I don't know what I would do.

4. On that note, I'm thankful for being able to serve with the young women and the YW leaders in our ward. Being a teacher has helped me in so many ways. I have opened up more and gotten better at public speaking, I’ve made many friends, and I have learned much more about the gospel through my calling.

6. I am thankful to live in America. I know that the leaders of this country and the government can be quite awry at times, but I am thankful for this land despite all that. I am thankful for the many freedoms I have. I think the good things about living in this country far outweigh the bad.

7. I am thankful for the beautiful planet. Sometimes I look around and can't believe how beautiful it is. The flowers, the trees, the sky, the clouds, the snow, the rain, the animals, the soil, the rivers, the mountains, EVERYTHING. I love everything on God's green earth.

8. I am thankful for friends. For the first time in my life I can say that I have really good friends (this includes family as well.) Friends who genuinely care about me and my well being, friends who don’t judge or criticize me, friends who are there for me through ups and downs, who make me laugh, who are fun to be with, and who help me want to be a better person.

9. I am thankful for my body. Sometimes I really take it for granted and I know I shouldn't. I can jump and dance and sing and play with Vessel and participate in sports, and do the things that I love. I am also thankful for my senses. To feel Mike’s touch, to smell the rain, to taste chocolate, to view beautiful pieces of art, to hear music, and so many wonderful things. Even when I am sick or hurt or don’t like what I see in the mirror some days I am still thankful for my body. I am also thankful to be a woman.

10. I am thankful for all the kind people that I meet.

11. I am thankful for always having a warm bed, clothes, and food. I feel very lucky.

12. I am thankful for indoor plumbing.

13. Even though I don't like school sometimes, I am thankful for the opportunity to further my education. It truly is a blessing that we've received scholarships and grants to pay for most of our schooling. It has been a great experience to take classes and to learn and grow and develop new interests. I am thankful for that.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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