Friday, April 11, 2008

It's Back!

The Office is now on again! Yay! It's one of the few shows that I actually watch. So last night's episode, Michael and Jan kept calling each other "babe" like every 5 seconds. And then at the end Pam and Jim were making fun of them by calling each other "babe." Then I started to wonder if that's how Mike and I sound to other people, because we use the word "babe" ALL THE TIME. Well, if we annoy any of you, just let us know. We can take it. Anyway, I'm so happy The Office is back on again and I had to post my excitement!

1 comment:

The Allred Family said...

Love it....however, I was a tiny bit disappointed in the return. It felt a little staged and I like the more natural humor. But it was still great.