Friday, April 18, 2008


Pictures of our cute Vessie Vess.

He was actually really sick in this picture. He slept ALL day and barely moved at all. He was just so cute laying there though that Mike couldn't resist taking a picture.

He found my socks in a pile of laundry and asked Daddy to put them on. He wore them all morning. It just made me laugh!

He loves to just sit in one of our laps and read or draw. Here he is just drawing pictures in his sketchpad while on Daddy's lap. He was content like that for an hour or more. So sweet....

He loves to go to the park to see the "burts." The ducks and other birds always come to get some food from us.

Looking at the stream of water while on the bridge.
While at the park in the above pictures, he took a tumble and banged up his head. He hardly cried even though it left a goose-egg. When the swelling went down he was just left with these abrasions on his head. Poor guy.

What a beautiful day to go swing at the park!


The Allred Family said...

Vessie Vess, You are so cute buddy. And I love your pink socks. They are sooo hot.

Tracy said...

Those pictures of him in your socks totally made my day. I serously laughed out loud. What a cute little boy he's becoming.

Sheldon said...

Mike why is Ves wearing your socks. I thought you only wore those when you stripped?