Monday, November 10, 2008


~I really need to get my diet under control. I consume WAY too much sugar.

~Okay, so my thyroid sucks. Yes, that's right. I went to the doctor last week and had some blood drawn. Turns out my TS4 levels were high again. And I knew it. I could tell just from the way I'd been feeling. Anyway, my new doctor adjusted my prescription and we'll see if it helps. I sure hope so.

~On a related note, I feel like people generally know if there is something wrong with them. We live with our own bodies day in and day out. So it bugs me when someone comes along and tries to blame how I'm feeling on things like stress or sleep deprivation or other external factors. How would they know? I know my body and I can tell when my feeling like crap is a direct result of "external factors" or something else. Thanks for the advice though.

~Depression is a real thing. Anyone who disagrees or wants to argue that it's just a figment of a person's imagination apparently has never experienced first hand what depression is.

~I finally found my keys! Where were they you ask? In Vessel's toy box....

~I've decided that I want to live on a ranch someday and have a huge orchard. It would be sweet.

~I'm ashamed to say this...but I don't let others change very easily. I guess what I mean by that is that I expect people to always stay the same. Like if you tell me you feel or think a certain way, you better not ever change your mind, otherwise I'll just call you a fickle, contradicting, hypocrite. :) Okay, I'm really not that bad. It's just that lately I've had discussions with people and I have to silently ask, "Who are you? I don't even know you anymore" because they have changed their minds or outlooks on certain issues. I need to realize that people have experiences that can change the way they think and feel. It happens to me all the time. We are all changing, so I just need to let others live their lives.

~I feel like I have been maturing spiritually and emotionally lately. I think this is a very good thing.

~I just discovered that cloves and cinnamon are incredibly delicious in a cup of hot cocoa.

~I don't want this to come out the wrong way, but ever since moving to Montana I don't feel such a need to "keep up with the Joneses." Like if you're poor and don't have a nice house, car, boat, ATV, etc., you're usually not alone and nobody judges you for it. People here seem less materialistic and more concerned with other things. I don't feel like I have to compete so much here.

~On a side note related to that last one...I didn't mean that as a slight to any of my former SLC friends. :) Oh, and I wasn't calling any of my Montana friends poor, white trash either. Geez, I probably unintentionally offended everyone I know. Ha ha.

~You know what quality I find important in a friend? Brutal honesty. Come on, I can take it.

~Okay, so here's a question...Do you have to agree with EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in order to not be labeled a bigot? Just wondering....

~Sometimes I wish I was more cautious with my words.


Sheltielady said...

Wow Jamie, that post was a lot to take in.

I know what you mean by expecting people to stay the same. I know I expect it, and even when it is ME that is doing the changing I have a hard time admitting it because "Hey - that's not the way I am" you know what I mean, yes, you do!

I think it is awesome that people in Montana can just be themselves and not be so into materialistic things. That is cool! Good for them all. That is a big issue here for sure. I wish I did not care, and I tell myself I don't, but then it sneaks up on me and I find out I really do care sometimes.

I think a Bigot is much more than someone who disagrees, I think they vehemently disagree to the point that whomever they disagree with is trash to them. Bigots are not nice people - EVER - in in aspect of their lives.

and Jamie, telling it like it is is a GOOD thing. People need to hear the truth without sugar coating sometimes...

and that is the cutest turkey :D

Love ya, Mom

Anonymous said...

Its ok, I can handle the truth. ;-)

Good thoughts...