Monday, November 3, 2008


For the boy child's birthday my grandma sent some thrift store items along with his regular gifts. One of them was a toy box full of little Lego blocks. So last night I decided to sort through the blocks to make sure they were all safe (not too small, not broken, etc.) In my shuffling I found a lot of random little things among the blocks.

One of those things was this little treasure box. It rattled when I shook it so naturally I thought there might be a little Lego block in there or something.

But to my horror....

I found a human tooth inside! And it was not a kid's tooth either. It was an adult tooth with a huge filling in it. My sister and I were very GROSSED OUT!


My dad picked it up and started examining it. I didn't even want to get near it, let alone touch it!
Be careful what you find at thrift stores folks. :)


The Allred Family said...

that is disgusting! i won't hate against thrift store tuff, I was just in one yesterday, but that's gross. People, clean out your stuff before you give it away!

RAZ said...

That is so awesome. You should make a necklace out of it.

Melissa Tupou said...

ah man that is so sick! One christmas I was chewing on carmel corn my mom had made when I chomped down on a tooth. That's mom's tooth had fallen into the carmel corn and she hadn't thrown the whole batch away or given warning. Needless to say, that was the last time I ever ate anything she has cooked.

Jake and Annika said...

Oh, man! Filling and all - I say you regift it back to the thrift store. Maybe someone else will blog about it. :)