Thursday, July 31, 2008

Today's Thoughts (numbered, because lists can be fun!)

1. It is Thursday today, and as we all know, Thursday is definitely better than Tuesday. I think we should all have treats in celebration.

2. Speaking of treats, my diet has gone alrightish. I think I eat too much dairy. And I know I eat too much sugar. Yesterday we went to the ballgame and I consumed an entire bag of cotton candy goodness and a 20 oz. milkshake within an hour. I had a major sugar crash.

3. I think Mike looks a little like Mark Valley. This is not really the case, although they both have blue eyes, so I can see where I started to get confused.

4. Just thinking about our wonderful cruise. *sigh* Palm trees, a beach and a beautiful husband (mine, thankfully.) Mike agrees we should live in San Juan.

5. I have immersed myself in the role of housewife. Since Mike and I have been married, we've both worked full or part time and have gone to school full time. Even after Vessel was born I went to school full time and worked part time as a crossing guard. That meant the chores we're pretty much divided up between us. Now that I've graduated and I don't have a job (a paying one that is) I find myself becoming a typical housewife. I'm not complaining about this, as I actually enjoy this new change of pace. I like being with the boy child during the day. And I don't even mind ironing Mike's dress shirts, or doing the laundry, or dusting or vacuuming. Even cooking, which most of you know I despise, is actually not such a chore anymore. Ever since we moved to Montana I have been cooking more than I ever did during the past 4 years of our marriage combined! Pathetic, I know. Mike used to cook quite a bit, and now that he puts in 10-12 hours of work everyday, I make sure to have dinner ready when he gets home. I am gradually starting to enjoy it. We make a menu every week and put it on the white board (because I'm an organizational freak.) I am proud to say that I can make more than just a meal out of a box or canned soup. And I've been making everything from scratch. Yeah, hard to believe, huh? You guys, I even made risotto for the first time in my life and it was heavenly! So kudos to me.

6. I am such a hypochondriac. For the past couple of weeks I've convinced myself I have cancer because I've been getting little bruises on my legs and arms. In reality, it's probably just a vitamin deficiency.

7. I hate having a visual image of someone in my head (from hearing their voice) and then meeting them in person to find out they are NOTHING like what I pictured. The image in my head is always better.

8. Am I doing the right thing by trying to potty train Vessel this early? I hate changing diapers, it's true. And he seems ready at times.....yet other times he seems too defiant and concerned with expressing his autonomy. Do I really want to deal with power struggles over the potty with my 21 month old?

9. I am so happy I found the oriental market. Although it's not nearly as big as the ones in SLC, I did manage to find tempura dipping sauce, miso paste, nori (seaweed for wrapping sushi rolls) and dried fish. Japanese food, mmmmm......

10. What a fantastic number to end a post on. Heck, let's all have treats.


Sheltielady said...

Potty training can have days like that, just keep at it. he is ready.

Melissa said...

I am all over it if he's ready. If he's not don't push it. My sister in law trained my nephew at 19 months...I wish my boys were ready that early. Mine were 3 years old. Oh and I put a post about some memories that I have of you!! Check it out k.

Katie said...

Love the list of things! I started training spencer and realized he isn't quite there yet, but it's ok...he'll be there soon enough and then I'll have another child to train and the cycle just keeps repeating! :) I love that you are a cooking fool..wonderful!

Tracy said...

I love your list of things, especially since it mentioned eating treats a couple of times. You know I'm down with that.

I started lauging when I saw the picture of Mark Valley. I agree with you. He does look like Mike. Here I thought Mike was so unqiue...

Don't worry about trainning Ves. Not that I have any experience, but from what I've learned from my sis-in-law and what I've learned in childhood development classes, kids will do it when they are ready. My nephews pretty much trained themselves when they were ready. Before that, it was a huge sturggle. Don't worry about it. It will happen.