~I think my kid must be pretty lazy because if given the choice to either put away his toys or put his nose in the corner, he chooses the corner and takes himself there without a fight.
~Monday: I tried going to bed early last night and it backfired. I fell asleep around 9:30 and woke up at 2:30. I just wasn't tired anymore. And for the life of me I couldn't get back to sleep. I ended up laying awake with lots of thoughts swimming around in my brain until the sun came up. My little plan to go to bed early backfired and I now I'm super grumpy today.
~Tuesday: I was downstairs this morning when the urge to pee came on so I used the guest bathroom. And to my disappointment, my uncle put the roll of TP on the wrong way while he was staying here! The wrong way being TP coming from under instead of over the roll. Can I get an amen on this one?
~My kid's favorite phrase: "No, Mommy."
~We're getting chickens! We are building a chicken coop and can't wait to have lots 'o eggs soon!
~I get jealous of other people's cute blogs. :(
~I can never find any pens when I need one!!!
~I'm so proud of Mike for passing his Series 7 test!!! Great job, babe.
~Some friends are only for a season, some are forever. I'm thankful for both. I am thankful for my newest friend K.
~After 5 years of marriage we finally got a start on our food storage. 400 lbs. of wheat and a wheat grinder. It's a major accomplishment for us.
~Saturday: The circus was overstimulating. I have a headache. And I felt sorry for the animals.
~My knees have been killing me lately. I feel like a 90 year old decrepit woman.
~Should we give our kid Easter presents?
~It is cherry blossom season in Japan. I want to move back.
~Gotta get the taxes done, gotta get the taxes done.
~A yummy soup we tried this week that I'd recommend:

~My new favorite beverage:

~Saturday: It's been an exhausting week.
I love your randomosity! It's my fave! It makes me jealous!!!:) Mine would not be that cool. I don't really give my kids Easter presents. I think that's kind of weird...but I know a lot of people do that. We do a basket with really small things in it (like dollar tree stuff) and they love it.
Do you remember that Nickelodeon show Roundhouse? They had a skit where the dad is griping about the toilet paper in the same way. Every time I pull toilet paper that comes from under the roll, I think about it.
Macon, GA has cherry trees downtown that came from Japan as a gift a very long time ago. There's a festival every summer to celebrate the blossoms. It's a big concert with lots of good southern rock and food and things on which to spend your money. I miss Macon.
Just reminding you.
I do something like this on my blog too, although it's sooo not as cool as yours.
Regarding Easter gifts, well, it was like a mini-Christmas in my home growing up and so I've kinda always figured I would do the same. Mi Madre still makes us baskets, well, she puts it all in Ziplock bags, but that counts. Sure, I'm going to focus on the reason for Easter, but a little candy doesn't hurt. It's the best candy of the whole year anyway.
Um, how's that for a random and long comment.
All I hear these days is NO MOMMY too! I love that Vess goes to the corner...lazy..no..more like smart..he's saving his energy;).
I remember Roundhouse! I loved that show! I even had a poster of the cast in my room. Good memories.
Chickens? Jealous!
G and I went to the circus too, but it was a lot different from last year. There were a lot more animals, and I did feel really sorry for them. The dogs looked like they were cared for and given attention though.
The tigers... they were sad. So was that sad "ring of fire". I mean, the tigers performed their tricks with as little effort as tigerly possible. It was not scary, just really, really, really sad.
So, 400lbs of wheat? That seems like... a lot. Are you planning on having a GIANT family? But what do I know, I haven't gotten into the food storage thing yet. According to your five-year-marrige plan I still got three years.
I hear there is this special cherry blossom tree orchard in California where all the Japanese exchange students go hang out in this time of year. Jealous. You should plant one, or several! I wonder if they could survive up here?
Speaking of your blog, no offense but it is kind of messy. Maybe it's a browser issue, also my screen is a widescreen monitor, but yeah... it needs to get a little more organized, or tidy. Maybe I could help you with this? I was able to do a few things with my blahg.
Once we get the chickens, you and G can have eggs whenever you want! I'm sure we'll have enough to go 'round.
As far as the wheat goes....well, according to the info we got, that's not even close to fulfilling the amount of grains a family of three needs for an entire year. Yeah, we're SO not even close to our year supply. Baby steps, I say, baby steps.
But, now that you mention it, I think we should have a GIANT family. Like maybe just some really humongous kids that are genetically enhanced somehow. Maybe I could eat some growth hormones during my next pregnancy to ensure the GIGANTIC-ness of our offspring.
And I don't know what you mean by my blog looking messy and unorganized? C'mon, that's a little below the belt, don'tcha think? I guess I just don't have your mad skillz when it comes to blog-ology.
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