Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Last week the weather was absolutely beautiful. I wrote in my journal last week: "I just hope spring is here to stay this time. No more freak snow storms in the middle of April. I pray that we'll have a long summer. After enduring what seemed like the longest winter of all time, I need this summer to recharge." Well, it's like the universe is flipping me off this week. Snow, snow and more snow. But, let's reflect on happier times, shall we? Last week Mike rode his bike to work most of the days and it was a blessed event because I had the car and I could go where ever I wanted to go! I did some shopping. Summer clothes shopping, that is. And I got a bunch of skirts, which I LOVE. My friend Rachel wears lots of skirts and she inspired me. I want to start wearing skirts all the time, not just Sundays. They are so comfy. And I feel like they define me as a person. Ha ha.

So back to last week. Last week was glorious. We built a fire in the back yard a few nights. I enjoyed sitting in my camping chair just reading my book by the heat of the flames. I love the smell of campfire smoke and the taste of roasted marshmallows. Nothing more summer-like than that.

Also, I went jogging everyday (but Thursday) last week. And I've always hated running in the past. But it felt incredible to run for the first time in a very, very long time. It was "me" time. My muscles felt strong and my heart was pumping like crazy. It was good for my body and mind. I felt happy. Maybe it was all those endorphins swimming around, or the warm weather, or just feeling strong, but a surge of elatedness filled my veins. Like falling in love for the first time. Like reliving a fond memory. It was so refreshing. Oh, and praise the heavens for my iPod, that's all I have to say.

Well, here's the big news for the week. I'm officially the Primary President. I was sustained and set apart on Sunday. I think this will be a good experience for me. I think I have good counselors and I believe we'll all work well together. To be quite honest, I don't think I have a lot to offer the Primary, so apparently there is something I personally need to learn from this calling. When Bishop set me apart he reminded me that my calling, as with any calling, is from God. And because God called me to this position, He will help me as I serve. That is good to know, because I need all the help I can get. Seriously. Anyway, I am going to miss teaching the Valiant class and my "easy" job as the Primary secretary. Although, I will have to teach sharing time, so my teaching responsibilities aren't completely gone. I mean, it's wonderful to teach these kids about the gospel because their young minds just soak it up. But it puts a lot of pressure on me to be a better example, ya know? Hmmmm. On Sunday Sharlo gave the most wonderful sharing time about the atonement and she brought the Spirit into the class. Rachel is also really good at teaching and presented an awesome sharing time lesson on Easter. I hope I can be as good as them. But then again, I think they are natural teachers. They have a gift. I have to work hard to be anything like them. At any rate, I'm pretty nervous and excited and a bit overwhelmed so throw out a prayer for me if you get a chance. Thanks. :)

In other news, Mike is on a roll with his tests. He's got the series 7 and 63 under his belt and now just needs....uh, how many more, babe? Like 4 more tests? Something like that. Congrats to him. He's all motivated and stuff, which I totally admire. And so dang smart too. Gotta love that kid.

We are just happy right now. And for me, I just think, "Finally" after such a long time of feeling down. It helps to have so many great friends. I was just telling Mike the other day that it kind of scares me. Because good things don't usually last. And I'm just waiting for something to come along and destroy this happy feeling. That's no way to live, right? I need to relish this moment. Because I haven't felt this good in years. YEARS. Like complete. Happy to be me. Unashamed. Like a spiritual awakening. I don't know what it is. But I really don't want it to go away. :)


Melissa Tupou said...

Congrats on the calling! Is that what you say? I always hear people say that. Anyways, I know you will be awesome at it!

Katie said...

Congrats on the calling!! I know how it feels to get called...and not knowing why or what you have to offer! But just wait..you'll find it soon enough! ;) Good luck with everything and I am glad that you are having a great time up in MT.

kenna said...

What wonderful words you used in that last paragraph.



'Spiritual awakening.'

Love it. Love you.

Sheltielady said...


I love reading your blog! Its so neat to be able to connect with what is going on in your lives even though we are so far apart. I helps to hear about the trials and the triumphs and see the pics and hear the musings. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. I love you!

Gramma Rose

Karen said...

I am so glad to hear that things are going great. I'm sure it will continue!

The Allred Family said...

I am so glad you are feeling great! YEAH! Isn't it the best when you feel like yourself. I know the feeling wuite well. Primary president...you will be so good!

KIM said...

I'm so proud of you Jamie! Love you.

Rachel Marie said...

Congrats to Mike, and lets construct some kickin' skirts together this summer!