Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dear Dad, Today....

     Today we drove mom crazy.  I know we shouldn't fight so much, but we do anyway.  Also, the whining was OOC.  We promised to be better tomorrow.  

     On a happier note, today we went to "Back to School" night at my school.  Mom got to sit in my chair and talk to my teacher while Jacob and I played outside on the playground equipment and ate ice cream bars.  She got to look in my desk and see some of the assignments I've done.  I have a really neat poem book that I can't wait to show you.  First grade is so much better than Kindergarten.  We get to have P.E., eat lunch, have technology (computer class), and we get to have Show n' Tell!  We didn't get to have Show n' Tell in Kindergarten so I'm pretty excited.  I am sad that we only have one recess, though.  We should have more recesses.  

We all got super messy from the ice cream bars, but Haven got the messiest.  Mom had to hose us down when we got home.    


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