Sunday, August 24, 2008


Here is a video of Vessel at 21 months old. I made it primarily for the grandparents and other relatives since they don't get to see Vess very often. It's about 5 minutes long so I figure nobody but grandparents and other close family will even find it interesting anyway. :) Mostly I was trying to get Vessel to smile or point out different parts of his face but he seemed more concerned with drawing. He's really good at it though, as you'll find out. He can color in the lines pretty well and hold a pen like an adult. (something he's done since he was about 14 months old.) Oh, but there is a part where he picks a booger out of his nose, which I thought was pretty darn funny, but maybe some of you will be grossed out by it. :) He bonked his head pretty hard a few days before I made the video so he's got a bruise on his forehead...just so you don't think we abuse him or something. :( Anyway, here is the video. Sorry if it's really choppy. Gotta love the digital camera video functions, right? Oh, and sorry you have to sit though my stupid voice for most of the video. :( Otherwise, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


Sheltielady said...

that has got to be the cutest little boy in all of Montana - heck in all of anywhere right? I miss him tons! Thanks for the great video - I am pretty sure he is saying "Gamma" not "camera" LOL
I love it! thanks!!!

Gramma Rose

Mike said...

Geez, how could such an awesome kid be the offspring of a guy like me? I mean, he's pretty much the best kid ever made. He has a pretty amazing mom! Love ya, dove!

Lualemaga's said...

He has gotten so big and dang cute. You must have a blast every day. How are things going?

Jamie said...

I can't believe he's almost 2! Wow! He's getting so, so big! He is so cute.

We're still missing you!

The Allred Family said...

I don't know if he's the best kid ever made Mike, but he is darn cute. You guys done good!! :) It's so funny how kids are so obsessed with cameras...

Lesa said...

Vessle has got to be one of the CUTEST kids ever!!! But that really doesn't surprise me considering who his mommy and daddy and his nursery leader are! :) LOL Love that kid :)

Josie said...

He is so adorable! I keep seeing kids everywhere that look just like him! Or maybe I'm just missing you a lot and want to see you again! He will be an artist, Ky can't hold a pen that well and have the determination to do such a good job! Thanks for the wonderful video!