Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sad realization

Today I think I finally realized the major changes that will take place this year. Mike and I will graduate from the U of U, our lease will end in May and we will be moving on. We're still not sure where we'll be moving to in 4 months. That all depends on Mike and the job he chooses to accept. He can continue at the hedge fund here in Salt Lake or take another job depending on what he gets offered and how it compares to his current benefits and such. In either scenario we will be in the market for a house. We are ready for this step in our lives mentally and financially and I couldn't be happier to get away from renting an apartment. The month of May will be a very exciting time in our lives. We'll each have a degree under our belts. Even though that seems to be the norm nowadays rather than the exception, it will still be awesome to say we graduated and accomplished something like that while juggling marriage, family, jobs, etc. We'll finally have a house to call our own. Mike will have a job he loves (hopefully.) I will have more time to do the things I want to do. So, I was thinking about how bright the future seems right now and then stopped short. With all things good there is usually a downside. We have had some really great memories here at Arbor Lane (minus the multiple criminal activities in recent months :)) We have made so many friends in our complex and in our neighborhood and in the ward. It will be sad to leave those relationships behind. I've gotten to know many wonderful people who have impacted my life in such a positive way. I have finally expanded my social circle after being such an introvert for so long. I love my calling in the Young Women program and I love the leaders I serve with and the girls themselves. I will miss family (if it comes down to us moving out of the state.) I will miss the little things like taking the 209 to school or walking around the university campus. I will miss ventriloquist man, H-Vea, Joe, Dwight/Vicki, the twins, and several other regular public transportation folks. (That one's for Mike :))
In all seriousness though, I will miss a lot of things I've grown accustomed to while living, working, and going to school here. I have gotten used to the area and know my way around and feel pretty comfortable. Change is such a scary thing for me. New house, new ward, new relationships to invest in, new everything. It might even be good change, but it still makes me feel very nervous. I wish I could just be brave and face life head on without fear! Life is an adventure afterall. *sigh* The only thing that matters I guess is that Mike and I and our kids will all be in it together. That gives me comfort.


Karen said...

Yeah, change is scary! I guess it makes sense that many of us have to uproot ourselves and face the unfamiliar during our lives, but it still isn't easy. I hope that you guys find a place where you will be happy and feel secure and loved. If you move, we will really miss you, but then again we might be moving too in a couple of years. I guess that's life, huh?

RAZ said...

If you guys move closer to us, we promise not to make you invest in any relationships. Pyramid schemes, yes; relationships, no.

Tracy said...

Psh, whatever. I bet you can't wait to get away from Gavin and I. There is probably a count down or something until you don't have to see us anymore.

Seriously, though, I too am way sad that you will be moving soon. But where ever you go to, I promise that Gavin and I will hunt you down and make you're still our friends!

J said...

you guys had plans to leave before us! no guilt trip, mmmkay? if you move to nc we'll definitely have to visit.