Friday, August 31, 2007

10 monther

     Vessel just turned 10 months old on the 28th. He’s developing beautifully. Vessel is a happy little child, continually smiling and affectionate. He’s very inquisitive, but what child isn’t? His new thing lately is opening doors. If any door in our house is slightly closed, he will push on it until it opens. He gets into everything. The other morning he found an opened bag of peanuts leftover from our hike up Ensign Peak that I had left in the diaper bag. Apparently he crawled over to his dad and Mike saw that he was chewing on something. So Mike smelled his breath and sure enough it was peanuts. That was kind of scary, but we had to laugh. Well, at least we know he’s not allergic to them.  

     What else? Vessel likes music a lot. It seems to comfort him, no matter what style of music. What I mean is it doesn’t have to be classical. In fact, music with words seems to comfort him more than just instrumental. Playing the radio in the car always calms him down. Recently my sister sent us one of those iPod docking stations with speakers. It’s nice because we can download whatever songs or cds we think he’d like and put the iPod in his room at nights so he can listen to music before he falls asleep. 

     He likes books a lot too, especially the ones he shouldn’t touch. (Rip, tear, rip.) He is also “talking” more. Actually, he’s been calling me “mom” (not “ma” or “mama”) for the last month. You might think he’s just babbling, but he definitely knows who I am because he won’t say “mom” to anyone else but me. If he ever wants my attention, he’ll say “mom mom mom mom” until I respond. I’m telling you, he honestly calls me mom, no joke. 

     He also says “bah,” “mgah,” “nan,” “da,” and various other syllables. Still trying to figure out what those mean in babytalk. Fun times. He makes us laugh a lot. One thing in particular is his crawl. I don't know why, but most of the time he crawls on his hands and feet instead of his hands and knees, kind of like a bear. It's really funny to watch when he gets going fast. Cute kid, that Vessel Bates. 

     But there are things about this age I'm not the biggest fan of. Like when he throws everything on the floor. I put him in his booster chair at the table and give him something, and whatever it is (food, toy, cup, spoon, etc.) he will chuck it to the ground. He never gets bored with that game. It's a continuous cycle. He throws something on the floor, I pick it up, he throws it again, I pick it up again, ad nauseum. 

     He also gets really restless at church nowadays, but I guess that's pretty common for even most adults. ;) Anyway, he's a lot of fun and has brought so much joy into our home. Mike and I are astounded each day that we created such a sweet, easygoing, adorable, lovable kid.


KIM said...

he is absolutly adorable!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

that was the only way isaiah ever crawled - hands and feet. and hey, we had a scary peanut moment with both kids, too. you guys are such awesome parents! what a great kid you have.

J said...

yeah, i remember the isaiah crawl! thanks for saying we're great. i think vessel makes us great parents because he's so easy to love.