Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Wowsers. That's all I can say at this point. So we've been in Montana for about 3 1/2 days now, and boy do I have a novel coming up for all of you to read. I am currently at the Great Falls library using the internet until ours gets hooked up this Friday. You guys will be in for such a treat when you find out about all the shinanagins that have taken place. Great Falls is a pretty decent town. But wait until you hear about our apartment and other such things. Wowsers.
So, anyway, I don't have a lot of time to chit chat, but just wanted to let you know that we are all alive and I am pretty much missing Salt Lake like crazy right now. Well, I guess I'll post again once we get our internet squared away at our new place. Until then, have a great week, eh?


Ashley said...

Salt Lake misses you too! We're glad to hear you made it okay! Hope this week goes well and can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Unknown said...

awww we miss u here. Hope it is all working out okay there!

Karen said...

Hey guys! I'm sorry if you miss Salt Lake... I can't wait to hear your story, though! :)

Sheldon said...

I miss you guys,don't get eaten by an elk.

Jamie said...

I can't wait for pics of your new digs. I hope everything is working out for you guys. It must be hard picking everything up and moving to a new place.

We miss you!