Sunday, February 1, 2009

2 years and 3 months ago....

...our little Ves-dawg came into the world. You know, I think every mom out there probably has the same feelings towards their own offspring, but I seriously LOVE this kid! He is amazing and I didn't think I could love a human being the way I love Vessel. Some of you know I had a hard time when he was a newborn. Being my first child I had no idea what to expect. The first couple of months were very difficult for me. I thought, "Is this the wonderful experience everyone talks about?" Those first months were a hard transition. But I got through them and I grew closer to my little one and realized that motherhood REALLY is one of the best experiences ever invented. Now I can't picture my life without the little booger! I learn something new from him everyday. He also teaches me to be more patient and loving. He makes me smile and laugh with the cute things he says. He is full of life and he brings an incredible amount of joy to our family. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for blessing us with him!

Here is a little update:


*Recently learned about ambulances. While at the store the other day with Daddy they saw an ambulance with it's lights and siren going. Mike explained what was going on. When they got home Mike said, "Vessel, tell mom what you learned about." And Vessel said, "Saw a amu-lanz. Person got hurt, need a band-aid." It was so sweet and cute!

*Loves to raise his arms and make me smell his armpits. He thinks it is so hilarious when I pull a face and pretend to pass out!

* Today during sacrament meeting, one of the missionaries got up to bear his testimony. The congregation was quiet until Vessel started to point at the missionary (who happens to be black) and yell clear as day, "Barack Obama!" Mike and I looked at each other in embarrassment while trying to get him to pipe down!

*Can color in the lines surprisingly well.

*Loves to read books over and over again.

*Is crazy about robots ever since watching "Wall-e."

*Talks a lot and can carry on simple conversations.

*Copies everything he hears! A few weeks ago some stupid J.G. Wentworth commercial came on and after hearing it Vessel would not stop screaming the phrase, "It's my money and I need it now!"

*Likes to pretend he's a frog in the bathtub and jumps around saying "ribbit, ribbit!"

*Always wants to help me with everything from washing the laundry to making dinner.

*Will get something in his head and say it all day. The other day he was dancing around the house singing "coo coo clock, coo coo clock." I don't even know where he got it from.

*Loves stickers. I'll give him stickers throughout the day as a reward when he goes "pee pee" in the toilet. He usually plays with them until they've practically lost their "stick" and then he'll just leave them on the floor. By the end of the day I've got 4 or 5 stickers on the bottom of my socks!

*Loves playing with Legos. He will contently build towers and houses and robots all morning!

*Loves to eat fruit snacks.

*Loves to say family prayer.

*Is a milk drinking machine! We go through 2 gallons of milk a week.

*Loves to sing the Happy Birthday song and Wheels on the Bus. (especially the part about the babies going "Waa waa waa!"

*Is so unique in the way that he loves "boy" toys but also likes caring for his little stuffed animals and dolls and putting them to bed.

*Somehow knows if there is candy in the house, even when I hide it.

And here are some recent (and not so recent) pictures of the boy child:

This picture was taken a week or so before we moved last summer. See the "Bobby" pillow to the right? Well, a few mornings ago I went into his room to find Bobby's remains covering his bed. He had killed his favorite and most beloved possession ever! The fabric from the pillow was so worn from all the washings I gave it that it ripped and so he decided to pull all the stuffing out. I looked at him in horror while he excitedly said, "Comes out, huh?! Marshmallows!"

Vessel loves to "spider swing"

It's a little blurry but I love this picture of when Vessel spent an afternoon with Daddy last summer.

Vessel stealing Daddy's Orange Julius.

Sometime after Halloween, one of the stores we went into was having a gigantic sale on Halloween stuff. We found this wig and put it on Vessel. This is what my kid would look like with a black mullet.

He could be a member of an 80's hair band, am I right?

This is the picture that's hanging up in the nursery. (photo courtesy of Lesa)

I love this kid's dimples. (photo courtesy of Lesa)

Hmmmm, I wonder what he is thinking? (photo courtesy of Lesa)

Vessel and Daddy on Thanksgiving. What cute boys! (photo courtesy of Lesa)

While we were trying to find Mike a pair of glasses Vessel decided he wanted to try some on too.

Buried in the leaves this past Autumn.

Okay, so this is pretty amazing for a 2 year old (I think anyway) and not just because he's my own child. He drew this face without any help from me or Mike. He drew little eyes, a squiggly nose and a mouth. I made him pose with his masterpiece.

He also drew this one a few days later. NO HELP at all! I was kind of blown away by it! I think we've got a little artist on our hands!


Katie said...

what an absolute doll!! Seriously he is I mean, he is SUCH a STUD!

Karen said...

He is such a sweet boy, and growing up so fast!

Melissa Tupou said...

I know we always think our own kids are cute but seriously if you ever wonder... Vessel is SO DANG cute. He looks so cute in those pictures where he has a hat on!

Josie said...

Oh Jamie, I love you and Vessel and I miss you so much! I can't believe he said that about Barack Obama! How funny is that? You def. have to put that one in a journal of funny/cute things they say. My fav. pic is of the mullet, wow! how funny.
He is quite the artist, always has been huh?!
Thanks for making me smile and laugh :)

Sheltielady said...

Dang I miss that kid!

I am laughing so hard about Barack Obama the missionary that I can't breathe... hahaha

love it love it love HIM!

Gramma Rose

Soda said...

WOW I can't believe how fast he has grown up! Those faces he drew were amazing! Aiden has started scribbling but isn't too interested yet. Also that is awesome how well he talks. They learn so fast!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there for the J.G. Wentworth and mullet phase.

I'm going to re-kindle the shouts of, "It's my money and I need it now!"