Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The early stages of our mini garden:

Tomatoes and marigolds

Carrots, beans, radishes, lettuce, jalapenos, cucumbers, and onions

Vessel's "beanstalk" that came from a little seed he found.

Here are a few little things I picked from our balcony on Saturday. It's not much, but it is fun to see I can actually grow something! Jalepenos, carrots, green beans, and green onions.

Sad to say, my radishes did not survive this year. My cucumbers did not do well either. I think that had to do with being planted in a pot smaller than the space they needed to grow and flourish. My tomatoes started to get blossom end rot, so I had to find some calcium plant food for it and now it is doing much better. Hopefully I'll get a few tomatoes from that plant. My lettuce did awesome in the beginning and I harvested some of it when it was still young and sweet. Now it is just bitter and starting to die. I still have a lot to learn about gardening....

Here's what we got from the farm this week. Lots of good food I can't grow. :)
Squash, carrots, beets, chard, green peppers, cucumbers, green beans, heirloom tomatoes, and cabbage. Mmmmmmmm!

1 comment:

Mike said...

As bad as that dark tomato looks, it turns out it's supposed to be that way and it was the best one I've tasted in years!

Garden tomatoes really taste completely different than store-bought, am I right?