Sunday, June 19, 2011

Date Night

It has been months since Mike and I had a date night. As much as I love 'em, I decided we HAD to go do something without our kids in tow. So we did! We had a nice relaxing dinner together and just talked. We didn't have to worry about oyster crackers smashed all over the floor, or a baby discontent with sitting in a high chair, or forks flying across the table.
After dinner Mike took me for a ride on his new motorcycle. I was nervous at first, but that faded quickly. It was so fun! We drove to a nearby cemetery to walk around. There is something about cemeteries I just LOVE. I love reading the headstones and wondering about the people who passed away. Does this sound creepy? I dunno, it's actually kinda fun. It's always quiet and peaceful there. Mike and I just walked around holding hands and talking. It was nice to have a REAL conversation that didn't involve our children or chores or finances. It was just what I needed. As it got later, we witnessed the most beautiful sunset. I wish I could come up with a word that adequately described it. The picture I took really didn't do it justice at all. With the dusk came some night predators....OWLS! I don't think I've ever seen an owl in real life, besides maybe at the zoo. There were four big owls flying from the trees and catching rodents. Some rested on the big headstones. They were so close to us and stared us down while bobbing and doing that crazy circling thing they do with their heads. I have to admit, it was pretty sweet. Although, I couldn't get any decent shots on my camera because there wasn't enough light and also because the batteries kept dying. But here are some pics I got before my camera completely died altogether.

This was a huge monument in honor of two Catholic bishops.

After looking at all the great humongous and elaborate headstones, Mike and I decided we want something really simple when we die. Good to know these things, right?
When we were done walking around the boneyard we sped away on the motorcycle and eventually had to go pick up our kids.
It was a fun date night!


Bryanna Johnson said...

Dates are the best! I'm glad you had a good one. I love owls too. They're so pretty! Your talk of owls reminded me of a time last summer when Jon rescued a baby owl that had fallen out of its nest into the water and was drowning. We took it inside and warmed it up and fed it chicken and then carried it around wrapped in a towel for the rest of the evening. It was awesome.

KIM said...

Date Night Whats that? Mikes motercycle is just like Nick's new one. Nick's only had his for 1 1/2 months. Its lime green. He loves it.
If stays home long enough I will send ya a picture of him in his leather and on his bike.

Rachel L. said...

I like to imagine you as a motorcycle-riding, pregnant, super hero. Though I'm not sure what your super powers would be.