Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mike Hits the Big 2-5

     So, this post is a bit late, but as Steph says "you'll have that." Last Friday the 13th was Mike's 25th birthday. He's pretty much a geezer now. So for his birthday, V and I surprised him with a treasure hunt in the morning before he headed off to work. We stayed up the night before writing clues to put all around the house to help him locate his presents. We got him an electric wok (that's right folks, he seriously wanted a wok, how could I deny him?), the game RISK 2210 A.D., and a few books he "hinted" that he wanted. 

     While he was at work I made him a black forest cake and bought his favorite ice cream: mint chocolate chip. After he got off work I had already arranged for a babysitter (which he had no idea about) and I took him to Boondocks. Well, unfortunately that place was.....a little on the crowded side, so we ended up bailing. We went out to dinner instead. Being Mike's birthday and all, he got to pick the restaurant. You guys all familiar with Famous Dave's? Well, it was our first time there, but Mike was really in the mood for BBQ. There was a big mounted moose head on the wall right next to us. Charming, right? We couldn't stop staring at it. They served our meal on the lid of a trash can. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty classy. It was actually fun and nice to get out without the baby for awhile. 

      Later that night I invited Shanna and Scott over for cake and ice cream. They sang Mike a birthday song and gave him some pretty interesting gifts. Let's see....Nintendo mints, candy bacon, a Mallow Burger, Mallow Fries with Kandy Ketchup, and a "grow your own Buddha." I think overall, Mike was pretty impressed. Hope you had a wonderful birthday babe!!

Bacon anyone?

Eat Up!

Mike looking pretty much excited

Mike reading the birthday card we made him

Vessel wanted to help open Daddy's gifts

Mike looking pretty tired

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