Sunday, May 8, 2011

Screw you, Mother's Day

Today at church the women received flowers for Mother's Day. I was given an orange flower. Not that it should be significant in any way. But orange was my mom's favorite color, so obviously I thought about her and missed her more after they put it in my hands.

In other news. It's been a pretty hard couple weeks for me. So many things I haven't had time to talk about. I've basically fallen into a dark hole. It's a combination of events and thoughts that have sort of pushed me to the edge.

I actually wrote this awhile ago in my journal, but it seemed fitting being mother's day and all:

"Pregnancy and my body just don't seem to get along. Being pregnant is one of the hardest things to endure (at least for me.) Don't get me wrong, I love my kids to DEATH. But pregnancy is a less than desirable experience. Of course there are awesome parts, like feeling the baby move or seeing the baby on the ultrasound. But I don't like not feeling in control of my body. Like my body is not my own anymore. Being sick, throwing up, having no energy, & being an emotional wreck isn't on my list of "fun" things. I am so tired of feeling sick everyday. Pregnancy wipes me out. I wish husbands (or men in general) understood what it was like. Mike is very supportive, but a part of me wonders if he thinks pregnancy is just an excuse for me to be totally lazy. I curse those women who feel absolutely amazing during pregnancy, because I certainly don't. It's one of the worst feelings. Most nights after we put the kids to bed, I crash into my own bed still wearing my clothes and practically fall into a coma until 3 or 4 in the morning when I have to pee so bad I am forced to get up. At that point I realize my mouth feels like something died in it because I didn't brush my teeth before falling asleep. And it sucks because many things have fallen by the wayside, like scripture study and night time prayer. Night time is when I feel the worst. That's when the nausea and exhaustion hit the hardest. On top if that I have so much packing and preparing to do, but everyday I feel so tired. It's hard not to feel like a failure. I'm lucky if I even take a shower or put on clothes other than sweat bottoms. I rarely fix my hair or put on make-up anymore. I feel so slobby. And unattractive. It's a real downer to my self esteem which only adds to the horrible feeling I have already. In fact, I cried the other night because I am just so tired of feeling this way. I'm in my second trimester now, so I thought I might be feeling better. But nope. At any rate, I am looking forward to some kind of relief."

I know this is all about complaining. I'm sure I'll get flack for that. Some woman can't even have babies. And isn't motherhood wonderful! Motherhood is a divine calling! It is a precious gift to bring children into the world and raise those children. (At least that's what was pounded into my brain at church today.) Most days I believe that. But when I feel like roadkill everyday, or like my brain is only half functioning, or the kids are cranky or disobedient, it's hard to have such a positive outlook. And when Mother's Day rolls around, I get a little bitter because it's just a reminder to me that I don't have a mother. It's also a reminder of all the ways I feel like I'm failing as a mom. I should feel happy, right? (yay, a day just for me!) But I just feel like nobody understands. "This too shall pass..."


Bryanna Johnson said...

I feel a lot of what you feel-about failing as a mother. And I have a horrible time with pregnancy too. Of course it's worth the sacrifice and you know that, but that doesn't mean it's not hard.

Bryanna Johnson said...

I was trying to make you feel better, but I'm sure I suck at trying to make you feel better! hahaha.

J said...

I know you were trying to make me feel better. I'm sure my post made me sound pretty ungrateful for all my blessings. I really do love my kids. It's just hard to focus on them and be a good mom when I feel so crappy dealing with pregnancy and other personal issues. Anyway, thanks for your comment, you're so sweet. :)

Bryanna Johnson said...

I didn't think you sounded ungrateful! I get it.

Jennifer said...

Jamie I think you are amazing. Really, having just had a baby at the same time I get how hard this must be. Hang in there. You are a loving mom, smart, fun to laugh with, understanding, a good friend. I am sad you are moving.

Mike said...

I love ya, Dove! Sorry pregnancy is a big downer. I wish I could do more to ease your pain when I see you struggling, but I hope you know that your sacrifice is very much appreciated. I love you more than anything and our family is so lucky to have you. Plus, let's face it; you look totally hot in sweat pants.

Claire Allred said...

You didn't sound ungrateful. People who think that are just being "senstivie" to a fault. You are being honest. And just b/c you are having a trial and talking about it doesn't make someone else's trial (that of not being able to have children) insignificant. I hate that feeling that we aren't "allowed" to talk about things b/c it might hurt someone's feelings. SOOOO tired of being PC. And THAT"S what I love about Jamie. You are honest and you keep it real. Thanks!

Lesa said...

I think you are SO much more amazing than you think you are! You have no idea how many people look at you and think,wow! She is such an amazing mother. I know you aren't feeling good at all. I feel for you. I really do. Its SOOO hard being PG and having to take care of kids, and a house. Plus all the extras that you are dealing with, like moving. Most mothers would put their kids in front of the TV and sleep on the couch as long as they possibly could! I think you are great! I'm always here to help you any way you need me to. I love ya, baby!!!

Katie said...

I get you. Pregnancy is NOT a fun time in life (except for the feeling the baby move and the u/s). I hope that things start to turn around and you start feeling better.
Good luck with everything!!

Rebekah said...

Oh, Jamie! I know this is a month after you posted this, but I'm so with you, sister. Being a mom is fraking hard, and being pregnant is hard for most women, I think. It's hard not to feel like there's this little cute wonderful parasite in there sucking the life out of you. Because, well, there is. Of course, you love the little bean anyway, but it doesn't make it physically any easier.
My Mother's Day this year consisted of two screaming babies, and a whiny tantruming toddler who decided to spray carpet cleaner into his eyes. So then I had to practically waterboard him for 15 MINUTES to flush his eye out, and the experience was completely traumatic (for me- he was fine five seconds after I finished).It was seriously one of the worst days of my life. I love being a mom, but sometimes, I would rather take a nap and come back to it in a little bit.
Oh, and I totally agree with Claire's comment about about talking about your trials even if it might "offend" someone. Your feelings and experiences are just as important as the feelings and experiences of anyone else. Your pain is just as great. You're entitled to those things that shape your mortality in all their intensity regardless of what anyone else is going through. Also, it's 2 am, so I hope I made some sort of sense. Love ya, chica.