Day 23-Picture of something you are afraid of

I hate cockroaches, (and pretty much any creepy, scary, crunchy kind of bug, but especially cockroaches.) When we lived in Japan we had to make sure we didn't leave dirty dishes in the sink, or food laying out, or water in the sinks (cos they LOVE water.) We only had a few roaches the entire time we lived there, maybe because I was pretty committed to keeping the house clean. It wasn't anything like some people we knew who lived in cockroach infested houses where if you went to get a drink of water in the middle of the night and flipped on the light switch, a million of those bugs would scitter all over the kitchen. But there was one night in the summer we came home from our dinner plans and I just had a feeling I was going to see a cockroach as soon as we opened the door. And I was right. There was a huge roach just waiting for us on the wall next to the door. I screamed and freaked out and then Mike and I both went crazy with the roach spray trying to kill it. Ahhh, memories.
Here are some facts I just looked up. Pretty freaking disgusting if you ask me.
Fact: The German cockroach is the most common house infesting cockroach and the number one pest in the United States.
Fact: The cockroach can live without its head for an entire week.
Fact: The word cockroach comes from the Spanish word "cucaracha" which means "crazy bug".
Fact: There are about 4,000 different species of cockroaches in the world. About 50-60 species live in the United States.
Fact: The world's largest roach lives in South America and is 6 inches long with a one-foot wingspan.
Fact: Cockroaches will eat almost anything: left-over human food, paper, wood, leather, cigarette butts, tooth paste, coffee grinds, glue, soap, feces, fabric, shoes, paint, the glue on the back of wallpaper, human hair, fingernails, etc.
Fact: German cockroaches are very small. They can squeeze through a crack that is about 1/16th of an inch wide.
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