So, I woke up with a sore throat, headache, stuffy nose, and body aches. Wasn't the best way to start my day, I'll be honest. I totally neglected the housework, including ironing Mike's work shirts that I promised I would get done today. Now Mike is in the other room ironing while I whine and complain about my day. I missed Zumba AGAIN. This makes me very sad. On the upside, I spent A LOT of time with the kiddos today, just lounging around. We listened to Primary songs for a good portion of the day. I had to put "My life is a gift, my life has a plan" on repeat at Vessel's request. It literally almost made me cry listening to him sing the words. It was sweet, don't get me wrong, but I think I might've just been overly emotional due to the fact that I wasn't feeling up to par. I was also quite pleased to have him read stories to me while I loathed in my own self pity. Sick Jamie=Lame Mommy
When Mike called to tell me he was on his way home from work, I hinted that he should pick something up for dinner to bring home. I wasn't feeling like making or eating the raw beet burgers that were on the menu. But, alas, the man convinced me that we need to stick to eating healthier, so he denied my longing for fast food.
When Mike called to tell me he was on his way home from work, I hinted that he should pick something up for dinner to bring home. I wasn't feeling like making or eating the raw beet burgers that were on the menu. But, alas, the man convinced me that we need to stick to eating healthier, so he denied my longing for fast food.
So this is what we made tonight:

I know, I know, the beets look like raw, bloody meat or something. But they turned out good enough to want to make again someday. Didn't satisfy my craving for a juicy hamburger made from pure beef.
But, at least now I don't feel so bad about the peanut butter banana smoothie I made earlier.
It all balances out in the end. :)
Dang Girl! I give you credit! I just could NOT give up my juicy MEAT! YOu really have to let me know how this is going. :)
I can't express enough how proud I am of you guys. I have to admit that I am equally JEALOUS of how good you have stuck to this raw way of eating. I would totally eat this way the rest of my life if I had somebody to make these meals for me! I have got so lazy about doing things in the kitchen!!! Keep up the great job!
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