Here's V all bundled up before our walk.

The things I'm kind of fascinated with are the statues. But I have to be honest, sometimes they are a little eerie, especially statues of Jesus on the cross. Kind of gives me the heebyjeebies.

Here is a nun mannequin in her habit. It was sweet. What was even sweeter you ask? The fact that I saw a real life nun there, in the flesh! The sister said she was 92! But I didn't get a photo. Blast!

After getting a full tour we went into the chapel. Now this is what I thought was pretty cool, although my pictures really don't do it justice. I'm a big fan of the stained glass windows and painted murals. And lucky for us, V and I were there right as they started Mass. Did we leave you ask? Nope, we stayed for Mass and listened to Father Thomas preach and lots of old people shout "Amen" and "Halleleujah" and do the sign of the cross. I couldn't bring myself to partake of the communion though (not that they'd let me anyway, since I'm not a Catholic.)

V and I had fun, and hey, we killed a good 2 hours there. So by the time we got back it was V's naptime! Yay! Here is the cutie on our way back home.

1 comment:
I think that sounds fun! It's good to educate Vess on all religions.
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