Okay, so I know this probably doesn't look normal. But he always wants to do everything I do, which includes doing hair and make-up. The other day he saw me putting my hair up in a pony tail and insisted he have a pony tail too. Then I started to put on my make-up and he was adamant about joining in. So I got him all dolled up. Mike might kill me for posting these, but let's be honest, they are pretty funny! The boy child looks like a little geisha. I also love the fact that he was posing and giving me some big mama fish lips!
So here is what I'm really wondering about. Is it normal for your kid to go through a screaming phase? Because my usually calm and mellow kid is now constantly belting out this high pitched scream that drives me crazy! He especially likes to do it when I'm on an important phone call. He is also very moody lately and tantrums are a regular thing. I'm sure this is normal and just part of the age he's at. Right?
And here's another thing. Is it normal for a 2 year old to be able to draw this well (without coaching?) I know most people use their blogs as a brag spot for their lives, but c'mon, I have bragging rights on my kid. Maybe he's not special. I don't know, I've never had a kid so I don't know what to compare him to. I just didn't think he'd be able to draw like this until maybe 3 or 4 or 5.
He's really into drawing faces and lately he's been adding legs and feet to the heads of his faces. What kind of worries me is that all his faces are frowny, like he's all sorts of depressed or something. Egads, I don't need that.

Check this out. This face has some great features. Squinty eyes, a single hair, legs and feet, and is that tears he drew under the eyes?

More sad faces. I think my kid has gone "emo" on me. Pretty soon he's going to start wearing black and listening to My Chemical Romance.

Oh yay, here he cracks a smile as he shows me a picture of a guy with "cwazy teeth." Yeah, the grill he drew on that face is pretty kuh-raaaazy.

I love those pics. So funny! They are kind of creepy. The one looks Japanese. I think all those things you described (the make-up and drawing and screaming/tantrums) are all very normal. Link was an ANGEL until about two months ago. It's as if a switch goes off in their little heads. They just go through stages.
Yeah, he's not normal. He's the BEST KID EVER.
Also, the picture where you point out "squinty eyes" and ask if he has tears is actually normal dot eyes with eyebrows above them.
Coolest. Kid. Ever.
I thnk he is pretty cool too! And it IS completely normal how he is acting, trust me, we are going through it right now with SPencer..it'll drive you nuts, but that's just how some kids are (Spencer used to bite..yikes!! Now he just says "Poopy" or "I'm going to kill you!"--CREEPY! And he got his toenails painted last weekend..Luke about KILLED ME! Hehe...)
Anyway, he is drawing exceptionally well..you just might have a young artist on your hands!!
Hey! I'd actually say he is very talented in drawing! Especially for only being two and drawing like that. He is going to be a artist...that's neat. I would say the whole screaming thing is the age. IDK They do go through little stages of things though, at least mine do. He sure is cute all dolled up! I might have to try that out on my kids...j/k
Wal-mart special on the shirt??? That's where I got mine. TWO for $%. Can't beat that! I love that shirt...it's one of my and Link's faves.
That is one cool dude !!! I think the pictures he draws say's he is a genius. I've had 9 kids, I've never seen anything like this :) About the tantrums....the Lord is preparing you for the teen-age years!!! Sorry.....
Oh my gosh, he is great! I don't know about child development but he seems pretty advance for his age!
Ah yes, there is a reason they are called the 'terrible twos' = its a stage... they are learning so fast and they get frustrated about what they can't do yet so they blow it off in tantrums because "hey, they WANT to do everything"... not to worry, it'll pass..as for the teenage comment above - that is not necessarily the case ; D
I love the artwork. He is definitely a genius - it runs in the fam you know (lol) - seriously he is really good! I would not worry about the 'sad' faces Right now he is concentrating on the features of the faces - not whether or not the mouth is smiling. It'll come... love the crazy teeth and the bodiless legs hahaha
That kid is NOT normal, HE IS PERFECTLY AWESOME!!!!
love ya,
Gramma Rose
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