Friday, February 13, 2009

Self Discovery 1

Entry: I KNOW
I've really been reflecting on my life and trying to figure out what I can do to be happier. I've come to the conclusion that I need to let go of the past. And in order to do that I need to forgive previous hurts. I've been racking my brain and I'm determined to make amends with those who I might have unresolved conflicts with. I might not be able to get in contact with all of them, but I'm going to try hard to. __________ is one of them. __________ is another. There's also a handful of other people. Today I wrote __________ an email. He wrote a really nice email back to me. I think we can be friends again. It feels so good to make amends. I've been praying to Heavenly Father for some time now to help me feel Christ-like love towards others, especially those I've been hurt by. I want to forgive. I KNOW it is the only way to be happy. And to forgive and show love and compassion takes a lot of prayer and hard work on my part. I KNOW I can't expect to be forgiven for my shortcomings if I'm not willing to forgive others of theirs. I'm striving to make several improvements in every area of my life. And I KNOW that some of this I can't do on my own. Much of it can only come from the grace of Heavenly Father.


Anonymous said...

Jamie good luck through all of this! I know it isn't always easy!! You are such a good person for being aware and striving to improve where you think you need to. I hope you can and are happier as you accomplish this!! Heavenly Father will help you! Hang in there!!

Melissa Tupou said...

Alright I forgive you for being mad that I laughed at your dog poo boyfriend story! HAHA. Good for you. I am so not that big of a person yet. This is sometimes the hardest thing to do!!