Friday, April 3, 2009

Sweet Prayers

We've been teaching Vessel how to pray for the last few months. He's done a pretty good job with our help. I guess he's starting to "get it" with all the repetition. So this morning he wanted to say himself. So this is what it sounded like:

Dear Hef-Fadder (Dear Heavenly Father)
Nake-you for mine fabily (Thank you for my family)
Nake-you for mine blay-kuhts (Thank you for my blankets)
Nake-you for mine dickers (Thank you for my stickers...ha ha ha this ones makes me laugh)
Blessa be happy (Please bless us to be happy)
In-na name-a Jesus Prysd, Amen (so flip'm cute....)


Sheltielady said...

awww what a sweet prayer :D
sure miss you guys

Rachel! said...

CUUUUUUUUUTE!! The cuteness is totally overwhelming! Almost makes me want my own little one. Almost.

Anonymous said...

My little Vessel is so darn cute.