Wednesday, April 15, 2009


When Mike and I were first married we started a family journal and in it we wrote 10 goals we wanted to achieve, and so far we've only got 2 more to go. Allow me to tell you what they are.

1. Go skydiving. (I'm not too sure I want to anymore. I have way too much to live for these days.)

2. Go to Disneyland together. (I know, lame goal, right? It's just that I've never been!)

What we've been able to check off our list:

1. Go to the Price is Right game show. (It would've been nice to be a contestant, but at least we got some autographed pictures of Bob Barker, eh?)

2. Go on a cruise together.

3. Ride an elephant.

4. Take a trip overseas. (We actually lived overseas, so perhaps that makes it even better.)

5. Have some kids. (Well, we've got one now. I'm sure down the road we will add an "s" to "kid." No rush, right?)

6. Get at least a bachelor's degree for each of us.

7. See a penguin in real life and possibly pet one. (Yeah, silly goal, but it had to be done. And it was.)

8. Buy a house.


kenna said...

Um, amazing.

Josh and I have no accomplished any of our goals as of yet. We have attempted, but the follow through we aren't so good at. In a majority of ways.

Wait, I haven't died yet.

Goal Accomplished...

Katie said...

Wowzer!! You guys really know how to aim high, eh?! Good for you!

Ashley said...

You for sure need to do's fun. As for sky-diving...I'm with you...PASS! Hope MT is treating you well!