Not long after we moved into our new house, the city tagged our tree, meaning we had to cut it down because it had a disease caused by a beetle. We knew it was a pretty sad looking tree when we bought the house, so it didn't come as a surprise to us. So last Saturday our Bishop and our fried Russ came over to help us cut down the tree. It was actually TWO trees connected at the bottom.

Russ climbed up to the top of the tree and tied a rope to it.

And then Bishop took a chainsaw to the first tree while Mike and Russ pulled on the rope in the direction they wanted the tree to fall.

The first one is down.

Russ climbs up the second tree.

Russ looking down at Mike and Bishop.

Sawing down the second tree.

Then they sawed the trunks into smaller pieces and hauled them off, along with most of the branches.

More aftermath.

Mike spent all morning Tuesday cleaning up the yard. What a great guy! We're also so blessed to have awesome ward members who volunteered to help us. Thanks guys!
Wow... huge tree!
Holy cow! That WAS a huge tree! I don't think I could EVER climb something that high..too scared of heights for that! It is nice to have such ward members..gotta love the Church! ;)
The great thing is that Russ LOVES to climb trees. Seriously. He wasn't afraid at all. He said he was pretty excited to help us! I love being a member of a church where everyone tries to serve each other. It is such a blessing. To serve and to be served. If it wasn't for their help we would've had to pay about $500 for the city to cut it down for us. Psh!
wow - those were taller than they looked - that view from the top was rather impressive... nice too that the trees actually fell where they wanted them to, and not on your house...
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