Welp folks, I'm officially 27. Gettin' up there. So my birthday was a few weeks ago on St. Patty's Day (the 17th) but I'm just getting around to posting about it. C'mon, I've been busy. Like a little bee. Anyhoo, this year was probably one of the best birthday's I've ever had. At around 6:30 a.m. I realized that Mike was still in bed and I told him he better get up for work. Then he told me he was taking the day off for my birthday. I was so surprised and happy. I didn't expect him to stay home with me. I figured it was going to be like any other normal weekday. It was so nice to spend the morning with him before Vessel woke up. Vessel must've known it was my birthday because he slept past 9:00 a.m and that NEVER happens! So I got to sleep in a little, spend some alone time with Mike, plus I even got to work out before Vessel was up and at 'em. After my work out I went to get Vessel out of bed and took a hot shower. After I got dressed I realized I had some missed calls. Steph, Dad, and Erma called to wish me a happy birthday. I called each of them back and got to talk to them for awhile. When I talked to Dad he was at work so I also got to talk to Grandpa. Sometime after that, my dear friend Lesa came by with some gifts. She is so sweet. She got me my favorite chocolates, a CD, and some new earrings. I love her so much! Mike also brought in a gift that was hanging on the back door. It was from my "secret sister" and it was something that I really wanted! How did they know? (More on the "secret sister" later...) After I got completely ready for the day, Mike took me out to lunch and then he bought me my favorite treat. White chocolate carmel popcorn...mmmmm.... Then I went to "the Penthouse" salon to get my hair cut. Mike made me an appointment there last week and didn't tell me about it. It was so sweet of him! I got a lot chopped off and I was going to get highlights too, but the stylist said it wouldn't turn out with the henna that was already in my hair. So I had to by-pass that idea. But I really like my hair cut. So, back at home I spent some time just reading for awhile. Mike said he had to go run some "errands." When he got back he told me there was somebody to see me. So I went upstairs and Jenny was at the door. I didn't realize she was the first of many guests that Mike invited over for ice cream. Mike went out and got me 2 ice cream cakes from Baskin Robbins. I was so happy! More people started showing up. The Blatters from down the street, the Prestons, the Haggards, the Lahadernes, Kyle Ransom, & Russ Lay and his 3 kids. I was not expecting ANYONE to come over that night. Yet another surprise Mike had up his sleeve.
When the guests left we put Vessel to bed and then Mike and I watched the movie that Gio and Rachel gave us and cuddled and ate popcorn. Overall it was a great day. From start to finish Mike made me feel totally special and loved! Thanks babe! And thanks to all of you who wished me a happy day! I love ya!
The hair cut. Kind of got the swoosh bang going on. It's really short in the back. I like it.

My first cake. Cookie dough ice cream in the middle. Mmmmm...

My second cake that was all for me. Gold ribbon in the middle. It was tasty. I was impatient and had to get my tongue all over it. :)

Thumbs up!
Happy birthday (again)!
Sounds like a great day. I think Mike could teach George a thing or two! I like the hair a lot...sexy mama!
I love your hair! It is so cute! I'm glad you had a great day!!
Very cute hair and happy birthday! I guess taking the day off is the thing to do...Jar did that for my birthday last week too! Hope all is well in MT!
Happy Belated birthday!! So glad that you were spoiled..isn't it so NICE when that happens?!? Your hair is ADORABLE!
Happy Friggin' Birthday...late.
In my defense, I didn't know. I'll be better next year...
Oh my stinkin' heck! Your hair is hawt!
Happy B-Day!!!! Mike treated you right girl! So many thoughtful things he did!
Your 27th birthday, you will always remember Tommy Wiseau, won't you Leeeesa? YOU ARE TEARING ME APAAART!
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