Jacob is the best baby. Truly. I don't know what I did to deserve such an amiable baby. I am blessed to be his mama. He rarely fusses. He sleeps great through the night and takes 2-3 naps during the day. He laughs and smiles all the time. He's on a wonderful schedule and he is very predictable, which is great for someone like me who likes to plan ahead. Lately, this is what he's been up to. He loves to eat everything. I know this might be bad, but he like's French fries. He loves all fruits and vegetables, rice cereal, oatmeal, and yogurt melts. He now eats 3 solid meals a day. He freaks out if he sees me eat something and not share. He's just about to crawl, I think. He's been scootin' around and getting up on his hands and knees more. He's got 2 bottom teeth and his top 2 "vampire" teeth have now cut through the gums. He loves watching the ceiling fan. It makes him laugh and squeal and he kicks his legs wildly. He loves to play peek-a-boo. He's a grabber. He will latch onto anything within range, especially necklaces and earrings. Pretty much anything shiny. When he's tired he likes to rub his blanket against his face and eyes. He loves to be in his jumperoo just bouncing away while I do the dishes or get lunch ready. He loves to be outside, even when it's cold. He always wants to play with things he's not allowed to touch (cell phones, remotes, pens, jewelry, paper, etc.) I could go on and on. I love to dote on him. The time with him has gone by so fast, probably because I'm enjoying it so much. I never thought I could love a 2nd child as much as the 1st, but I do. My love for Jacob is fierce and relentless. He is a joy and my life is better because he's apart of it.

1 comment:
he has a great smile! love it!
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