Vessel is my little man. He is kind of a shy guy and very sensitive. He gets really emotional about certain things. He can be a bit moody at times. But he is smart as a whip. He can read and write. One of his favorite things to do is read. If he is not reading a book he is usually coloring or drawing on his magnetic drawing board. He loves to work in his activity book. Connect the dots and color by numbers can keep him busy for a couple of hours. He also likes to play just like other kids, but sometimes he would rather play by himself. It's been interesting to watch him grow and develop. When we go to the park, he likes to sit with me and watch the other kids play rather than join in with them. He likes to observe. He is a "people watcher." We signed him up for a Taekwondo class for 3-5 year olds and it has been good for him. He's come out of his shell a little bit more. I don't know how long we'll be able to do Taekwondo (it's pretty expensive) but we'll see. I would hate to take him out of something he actually enjoys. Vessel is a unique kid and I love him a lot. He makes life interesting and I can't picture my life without him. He will always be my baby. :)