Friday, June 18, 2010

I don't have the energy to think of a cool title for this post

Hi, dear readers. Are you there?
'Cause I'm not. Well, mentally I'm not here. But most people would say that's all part of being pregnant. Perhaps. Maybe I'm just a little bit stressed. A little bit hormonal. And a tad on the crazy side lately. Not to mention irritable. I really can't say I know what's going on for sure, but I hope it passes soon. Like, right now. :)
On a bright note, my house is absolutely immaculate. Top to bottom, everything is in order and everything is clean. Now, if I didn't live with two other people, it might stay that way. :) Okay, okay, Mike and Vessie aren't slobs. I just have obsessive compulsive disorder. Maybe not full blown. But, yeah, I'd venture to say I'm mildly OCD. Just throwin' that out there in case anyone wants to know some juicy detail about ME.
So what's been going on with me these days you ask? Well, let me tell you. It's been rainy, cold and wet for the past...uhm....I dunno, two weeks or so it seems. We didn't get much of a spring and at this point it doesn't look like we'll have much of a summer either. Lo and behold, do my eyes deceive me? Is the sun actually showing it's cowardly face now? It's about time. The thing about the rain (besides being a bit depressing) is that it's hindered Mike and me from getting any real yard work accomplished lately. It's raining any time Mike has a little free time to work outside. It's definitely a bummer. He did get the retaining wall built. And was able to put stone tile around the fire pit a couple weekends ago. (Although, he still needs to do the grout.) We also got our front door replaced. But as far as other projects go, the sod hasn't been laid, the path hasn't been made, and the garden...well, I don't know if we'll have a garden this year after all. It's very sad to me. I think it's just too late in the year to plant anything now. So much has been going on that some things have just fallen by the wayside. Hopefully some good weather comes our way soon so we can actually make a dent in our projects.
What else? Well, I'm overdue. Just by three days, so it's not too bad yet. I'm just getting impatient I guess. I saw a woman from our ward yesterday while I was shopping and she told me she was 3 weeks overdue with one of her children! Is that even possible? Although, I think they must've had her due date wrong, her comment did not comfort me in the least.
We still haven't come up with a name for the baby. It's been a constant battle this entire pregnancy. Mike really likes the name Dallin. He even liked that name back when I was pregnant with Vessel. I am not a big fan of that name. Believe me, I've really tried to like it, but for some reason I just can't. My top choice for a name at this point is Riven. I think it looks and sounds awesome. The literal word comes from "rive" meaning to split or be ripped apart by force. Kind of unusual for a name, and yet I LOVE IT. It's the only name I've really liked this whole 9 months. Mike doesn't seem to care for it much, unfortunately. I wish we could come up with a name we both like that also has special meaning to us. I also tend to lean towards names that are unique. Vessel fits perfectly into that category. I'm sure if we named our 2nd son Riven, he'd be the only one in his class with that name. I told Mike that if I had to get a cesarean section, it would be cool to name the baby Riven. Because he would quite literally be riven from my body. Eh, eh? I said if that's what it takes for me to be able to use that name, then BRING ON THE KNIVES, baby!!! Yeah, I'm gross. So, uh... anyway, one name that Mike and I have recently started to like is the name Ember. I've toyed with the name a bit and also like Embry. However, everyone we've mentioned those names to think they are a bit feminine. AGH! I shouldn't care what anyone else thinks, but I'll admit, I kinda do. Psh. I don't know what's going on this kid's birth certificate. Last time, Mike and I knew for awhile that our son's name would be Vessel. There was comfort in having that already established before he was even born. One last thing to worry about, ya know?
I can't think of much else that's going on right now. Just kind of waiting and wondering what this next week holds for us. I'll keep you all posted.

P.S. The baby birds that were in the little nest on our porch have now embarked on their journey away from the nest and mama bird's protection. They grow up so fast. *sniff, sniff*


Kathy said...

Hi - it is hard being overdue but I guess the cartoons in heaven aren't over yet so the little one can't leave yet! Good luck with the birthin'.

Mike said...

I love you babe! It'll all work out and be great soon.

Cowboy up and/or keep on truckin....

mattjensen said...

Good luck Jamie!! My grandpa's name was everett embree. He was a tough old farmer, so embry might work!? Hang in there!!


Lesa said...

I love ya too, babe. But I won't tell you to cowboy up! I KNOW what you're going through. You can't cowboy up, you just have to take what this pregnancy is dishing out one day at a time. Hating every minute of it! I'm tellin ya, caster oil really isn't that bad when the end result is releiving you of your misery sooner. My midwife had me take it with Kelli. Its not as harsh as pitosin! Good luck, I seriously hope this is over for you soon. Love you <3

Rebekah said...

Oh, I LOVE Riven! That is a really awesome name! I'm sorry to say that I do think Ember is a bit feminine, but I think Embry is a good boy's name. But I am also from the south, where boys occasionally get the name Ashley. I think a Riven and Embry would make a good combo of a name, really.
Ai yi yi, I'm so sorry you have to be overdue. When I was pregnant, that actually gave me more anxiety than the possibility of a c-section. In fact, I'm pretty sure around hour 13 or so of unmedicated pitocin labor I was wishing they would just cut him out of me already. You're amazing to me for taking your overdue-ness in stride.

J. Lahondere said...

I vote for Ember and screw the naysayers. I think it's the coolest-sounding one of the bunch and I don't think it's feminine. Embry strikes me as more feminine, and it's also one letter off from embryo. But Ember reminds me a spark in the darkness. It has fire symbolism, where Vessel has water symbolism. EMBER! Thanks for reading my opinion.

RAZ said...

If you're turning this into a reality show voting thing, count me in for Riven.

The Allred Family said...

I am assuming you've had your little on by now. Come on already...lets see his cute little face.