Anyway, when the police arrived to the scene they tried to get my information but I guess I was crying so hard they couldn't really understand me. I remember one of the officers telling me to just breathe and calm down. I did calm down, but then I started thinking "What if I would've hurt or killed someone?" And the crying started all over again. After several minutes I got myself together and sat inside the police van answering questions. And that went on for awhile. Vessel was fascinated with the fire engine and the big tow truck that came to take our car away. Fortunately he wasn't traumatized by the accident. But all I could think of was "How could I do this?"
Okay, rewind a year earlier. It was October and Mike and I were in the market for a second car. With Mike and his job and school schedule and my crossing job and upcoming semester we felt like it was necessary. We started looking at used cars and some cheaper newer models. We ended up liking a new Mitsubishi Lancer ES we saw online. We went to a few dealerships, and none of them had the car we were looking for. But lo and behold, a dealership in Salt Lake had this blue beauty, a 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. Not the car we had originally set our sights on, but it was definitely an awesome car. Long story short, the Nazi car dealer convinced us to buy it. We thought it was a great idea for some reason (well at first, until the buyers remorse kicked in afterwards.) We calculated the payments and realized we could actually afford this new car. (At the time we both worked and had scholarships to pay for school, etc. etc.) So being young and silly, we got the car. And boy, was it NICE. Maybe a little too nice for my blood. I've never been into cars. I've always figured something that could get me from point A to point B would work just fine. And I don't consider myself a materialistic person. But this car was awesome. We loved it. And we took good care of it. And basically, it rocked.
Okay, now fast forward 8 months. Mike takes a job in Montana and away we go. We try to sell the car before moving in hopes of getting a different car for the Montana lifestyle. (you know, like a big beefy truck or something. :)) It didn't sell so we took it with us. We loved our car and loved driving it. But really, it wasn't made for Montana. And we soon realized that when winter came. The car had low profile tires on custom made 20" rims. It was not built to handle snow and ice. So for the last couple of months Mike and I were praying and fasting about our car situation. We had just bought our first house and with that payment along with other bills and unforeseen financial dilemmas, we thought it would be in our best interest to try to sell the car again. But with the economy the way it was, nobody was in the market to buy a car, especially not OUR car. We prayed hard that we'd be able to sell it or find a way to afford it or get another car that was better equipped for Montana weather. A few people called about the car and got our hopes up, but nothing ever came of it.
And then....the accident happened. Today I was just informed by the insurance company that they are considering it a total loss. Yup, I totaled our beautiful car. One might think that's a pretty crappy thing to happen. And it is. But here's the blessing in disguise. I think it was an answer to our prayers. I know it might sound crazy, but it has to be. With it considered a total loss, the insurance company will cut us a check for the amount of the car and we can pay it off and be relieved from our debt. And here's where things get even crazier. We had just gotten a new insurance policy. When I say "just got" I mean like a week prior to the accident. For the last 6 months of living in Montana we were still insured by a company in Utah, that unfortunately only covered Utah drivers. So if we had still been under their policy, they would not have covered our accident AT ALL. So we had barely gotten full coverage on the car for Montana. The other crazy thing is that the timing was so impeccable. I think about the accident and how it all played out. If I had been going one second faster than I was, the other lady would have T-boned our car and would've hit Vessel straight on. Heavenly Father was definitely looking out for us in that regard. Nobody got hurt. Didn't even have to go to the hospital. Looking at how messed up the car was, I'm pretty surprised nobody was injured. That fact opened my eyes to a lot of things. For the past few months before the accident I had been dealing with some serious depression issues. I'll spare the details, but I was pretty unhappy with myself as a person. The accident was kind of a wake up call for me. I say that because when I think about what could've happened, it sure could have been a lot worse. It made me realize how important life is. And how I needed to pull myself together and get out of the rut I was in. I know I must sound all dramatic, but I really do believe that. I think the accident was good in so many ways. It made me see that life could be a heck of a lot worse. If my experience wasn't divine intervention, I don't know what is. So I had this huge eye opener, and our car situation that we had been praying about was resolved. The power of prayer is amazing.
Right now I don't have a car to drive, but I'm not too upset about it. Sometimes it's hard being cooped up in the house all day. But then I have to remember how blessed we are. And by spring time Mike will be riding his bike to work and I can drive the car. And I suppose if I really wanted to I could get up early to drive Mike to work and then pick him up afterward. And maybe we'll get a cheap used car that we can afford soon. Who knows, there are a lot of options I guess.
We miss the blue car and it was great fun while it lasted. But we realize there are more important things in life than a car, even if that car is WAAAAY sweet. :)
Rest in pieces, Burple.

Oh my gosh! I am so glad that you and Vessel are ok!! BUT on the flip side, what a blessing in disguise!
WOO HOO - Glad that the insurance company is in their right mind...this is a great story, not the kind you would expect to read as an answer to prayer, but I think it was a very definite answer to prayer in its own right. We have been praying that they would total it and you could move on. Hurrah for prayer, hurrah for protection! We love you guys...
poor burple (sniff)
Love ya, Mom
I'm glad everyone is okay. Everything in life is divine intervention, we just vary in our willingness to see it that way.
I'm glad you guys are ok and that you are able to see the blessing as it is. However, I still feel a pang of sorrow for Burple.
it is good to hear that you are okay and that vessel wasnt hurt at all. You are truly blessed.
We are doing well. My sister is going to have to be on the chemo pill for another 6 months. she is not looking forward to it but it is a necessary evil so tha she can get well.
So tell me what the weight loss blog is that you have?
I am looking into running my first 5k in april. pretty cool huh!
Burple shall be missed, but I am glad he took good care of you guys. In a less dramatic fashion, I was in the same boat. I really needed to get rid of my car and it was a little rundown and I knew I couldn't sell it for half of what it was worth. I woke up every morning hoping that there would be some huge accident so I could just get the insurance money to pay it off. I was not so fortunate. Boo...
"He?" Burple was a girl car, hellloooo! :)
what an interesting little journey. i thoroughly enjoyed reading that. i am soooooo glad you and vess are ok and glad you are getting hooked up in such a serendipitous way.
I loved that car!! But I sure love you more! I am glad you weren't hurt and Vessi, those cheeks are too cute to be hurt. You guys need to get 4wheel drive. PLEASE!!! I won't feel comfortable if you don't!!
I am relieved to hear that you are all okay! Well, I guess the car isn't, but that's life. I am also glad that you were able to find a positive experience in the middle of this awful accident. It's wonderful that things will turn out well with the insurance. Love you guys!
I'm glad you guys are all OK! Good thing you wanted to get rid of that car anyway. Hope everything is going well with you guys! Aiden and I miss you so much!
good heavens. I am so glad that you and ves was okay. I am sad though, I had so many great memories of me and burple. So many late nights... Wow I am getting a tear just thinking about it. Hit us up sometime.
LOve you guys
Ps thanks for all the great recipes.
loved your story! I almost started crying! miss you
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