Well, now that Mike has a "real" job we got to go to his annual company Christmas party. Nothing like dressing up and going to a fancy dinner, in my opinion! I even got to wear a name tag that read "Jamie Bates - Guest." Sweet, right? Anyway, I thought it might've been a little bit awkward, not only because I didn't know a soul there, but because there was unlimited alcohol and well, we don't drink. Luckily we got to sit with some of our friends in our ward. Marky-Mark works at the company with Mike and Jenny serves with me in the Primary. It was actually a pretty enjoyable time and we got away with drinking soda and cranberry juice without feeling too left out. We even danced a few songs. I also got sweet video footage of some of the dancers who, in Mark's words, were "tanked." I decided to leave the videos out, but you can use your imagination. Hilarious stuff. :)

Wow! So many updates..yay! Anyway, those pitas look DIVINE! Man, I'm hungry! :) Also, I'm glad that you and MIke were able to go to the work party and also have a night out on the town. Doing things as a couple is harder when you throw some babes into the mix, right? You're pictures are hilarious!
Was Dwight there? Did you form an alliance? Did he roast a Christmas beet?
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