by Rhonda Byrne
So, I'm one of those people that totally missed the huge explosion of "The Secret" when it came out on DVD and then later on hardback. I never saw the show Oprah had dedicated to it or any of that stuff. One day I was talking to a friend and I told her I made lists of things that I wanted so I wouldn't forget. She said something to the affect that it was a really good idea because that way I could make things come to me. I didn't really understand and then she let me borrow her book "The Secret."
Basically the book explains the law of attraction. The law of attraction is just one of the many laws in the universe. If you think hard enough about something, it will happen. According to the book, our thoughts are very powerful. We can think things into existence. We are in control of our own destinies. Negative thoughts bring negative things. Like attracts like. If you think about what you want long and hard enough, the universe says "Your wish is my command" and gives it to you. The book claims to know the secret to money, relationships, health, the world, yourself and life.
I've got to admit that after reading the book I began to question every single thing I've ever believed in. For instance, is God acutally the universe? Nah, after a lot of thinking I decided the book was a bunch of hokey nonsense. And after reading some other reviews I realized I wasn' t the only one who felt that way. I agree a lot with this person and surprisingly even a lot with this person. And this guy totally doesn't believe in "The Secret" and he gets what he wants out of life apparently. (LOL)
So I don't believe the universe will give me a million dollars or make me thinner or prettier or whatever. That part I think is all kind of stupid and whimsical. I don't believe you can just think things into existance or get what you want out of life without even working for it. But one thing I did take from this book is that having a positive attitude is important. It might not get you everything you want in life but thinking positive thoughts can have a huge impact on your day to day life. One particular quote from the book I liked was by Lisa Nichols. She says, "People have a tendency to look at the things that they want and say, 'Yes, I like that, I want that.' However, they look at the things that they don’t want and they give them just as much energy, if not more, with the idea that they can stamp it out, they can eliminate it, obliterate it. In our society, we’ve become content with fighting against things. Fighting against cancer, fighting against poverty, fighting against war, fighting against drugs, fighting against terrorism, fighting against violence. We tend to fight everything we don’t want, which actually creates more of a fight.” There were alot of good quotes in the book that made me look at life a little bit differently. Like trying not to focus so much on the bad things in life, and just thinking positive thoughts has really enhanced my life in a lot of ways. So the book wasn't a total waste, but for the most part I thought it lacked a lot of backing for it's claims. If anyone else has seen the DVD or read the book, let me know what you think.
I'm not even going to comment about the issues I have with this book. The general idea is good, people need to have better attitudes about things, but man.... Just thinking about it makes me angry.
I remember seeing this book all over the place a while back and wondering if it was Church of Scientology related or otherwise Religion:Lite for those of us who desire the same refreshing taste, but with less calories.
I'm happy and unsurprised that you could see right through this ridiculous concept, "if you think it so it shall be". Spending all you time wishing, hoping, focusing on money will do nothing but make you more miserable for not having it. It's just sad that this is what the world considers insightful, or new, or ground-breaking. It's so sad, it's pathetic.
But I see that same good quality you mentioned in your last paragraph. There are a lot of good things we should be putting our mental energy towards, rather than being negative. So, kudos for that.
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