Friday, March 28, 2008
17 Months! Woot woot!
I Miss My Sugar
Monday, March 24, 2008
The End of Spring Break (boo hoo) and Easter
My cousin who lives in Salt Lake called and told me she was heading up to Idaho for Easter weekend and asked me if I'd like to catch a ride with her. I thought it would be a good idea since I wasn't sure when the next chance I'd have to see my family would come around. Mike didn't end up coming with us because he had a lot of work to do on his thesis, and basically, he hates me. Well, not really that last part. :) So we kind of celebrated Easter together on Friday (the 21st) knowing that we weren't going to see each other on Sunday. As a kid, my parents always got us Easter presents (or should I say the Easter bunny did.) I wanted to continue the tradition with Vessel so we got him a few things and put them in a basket full of easter grass. Basically, I just love any excuse to get him stuff and surprise him. Some might think he's spoiled, but I don't think so. :) Mike and I have colored and hidden eggs from each other in the past, but this year we didn't get around to it. For one thing, we don't eat eggs anymore (egg yolks anyway) and for another we didn't have a lot of time. But I got him some weights for working out, so he better appreciate them! Happy Easter, babe. Anyhoo, that night my cousin picked me and Vessie up and we headed up to Idaho. It was really good to catch up with my cousin and talk about stuff. And we made great time! I stayed with her family that night and Vessie and I shared a room. Guys, it was rough. I CANNOT sleep in the same room as my kid. He is SO loud. He's always tossing and turning and talking in his sleep. He never fusses or anything, he's just really noisy. Saturday my sister picked me up from my Uncle's and we went and got some flowers to put on mom's grave since it was her birthday about a week prior. Then we visited grandma and grandpa because they rarely get to see their great-grandson Vessel. They got Vessel an Easter basket full of little treats and toys. And grandma made me the cutest Easter bag that you can view here. They fed us lunch and then we went further north to visit my dad and his girlfriend. Grandpa had fun with Vessel and we got to visit for awhile. Chris made us a good dinner and then unfortunately we had to leave. Steph drove me back to my Uncle's house and ended up staying the night there with me. The next day we attended sacrament meeting and and heard some great talks about the resurrection and what Easter really means. Back at my Uncle's we visited and had dinner. My aunt made Easter pies (a tradition in their house) and Easter bread and lots of other wonderful food. Eventually we had to drive back home. It was so great to see Mike again! Vessel and I really missed him.
Here are some pictures from Easter weekend

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Happy Easter!

(click on the picture to enlarge)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Green Day and a Very Happy Birthday to Me!
Here are a few pictures of our afternoon at the park. The big fat goose had it's eye on Vessel the whole time and ended up being in like every photo I took.

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Am I Just Kidding Myself?
I Need to Express My Individuality
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Happy Birthday, Mom
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Our Letters

Still Bringin' It....Slightly
Last night instead of doing yoga I broke out my old Tae-Bo tape just for fun. After doing P90X for 3 weeks, this Tae-Bo business was like a piece of cake. I mean, 25 minutes versus an hour+ is a dramatic difference. Plus, the Tae-Bo moves just felt a little too easy for me. It's nothing now.
So far I haven't seen an enormous difference, although I can definitely FEEL a change in my body. Yes, I am getting toned under that layer of fat. :) I feel stronger and more energetic. So that's good. I think if I was sticking to my diet better I'd see more physical results. Okay, let's be honest here. I love food and I hate depriving myself, especially when it comes to sweets. I truly have been eating better, but there have been a few days of overindulgence. Two weeks ago...chocolate fountain at the baby shower ring a bell? But seriously, how can I NOT have a little dip when there's a chocolate fountain in front of me? Then there was the IHOP incident where all of Mike's family got together before Danny's MTC drop-off. You're not going to find anything healthy on that menu, am I right? And in a moment of weakness I ate a flauta Bajio salad. Ah.... it was good though! I've been keeping a food journal and it has been helpful. It's kind of a pain to write everything down but in the end I get to see just what I'm putting into my body. Before this diet I was kind of oblivious to what I consumed. And I was also totally unaware of how much the little things could add up. A tablespoon of butter on toast, a few tablespoons of salad dressing, a handful of chocolate chips, a few tablespoons of oil in my stir-fry.... those little things add up fast. Mike and I have been eating SO much better though. More vegetables, fish instead of red meat, more soy, whole grain breads, skim milk, fat-free cheeses, egg whites without yolks, less sugar, and drinking more water. I feel better than I have in a long time and that's what I've got to remember every time I feel like eating a Krispy Kreme or a handful of M&Ms. As the saying on Sheldon and Michelle's fridge used to read: "More control, lose the roll." I better keep that in mind!
Last Friday night Mike and I went to see Top Girls at Studio 115 on campus. I was a little skeptical at first because I didn’t know if I would enjoy it. Mike was also wary about going to a “feminist” play. But in the end we both looked at each other and said, “That was good!”
The play is about a career driven woman named Marlene who works for an employment agency called Top Girls. The play starts out with a dream like sequence where Marlene is having dinner with five historical “top girls” who are supposedly there to congratulate her on her promotion in the company. Throughout the dream the five women get progressively more drunk and emotional as they each discuss their pasts and the different experiences they have had. Although the women have accomplished much during their lifetimes and hold famous status for one reason or another, it is soon revealed that each of them has also suffered in various ways.
After the dream sequence ends the play jumps into the present day, which is actually the early 1980’s. Marlene is at a desk interviewing women for work in the highly competitive job field full of men. After this scene, the story of Angie begins as she and her friend Kit hide from Angie’s mother Joyce. We learn that Angie hates her mother and fantasizes about killing her. She is a troubled teenager who has dropped out of school and does not have any friends her own age. She looks up to her Aunt Marlene and wants to be around her as much as she can. Later in the story it is discovered that Marlene is actually Angie’s mother and her sister Joyce has been taking care of Angie all these years as her own daughter. Marlene and her sister Joyce are at odds with each other during the play and eventually have an argument which allows them to get things off their minds that they had been bottling up. The play continues and we start to realize that, although Marlene might be a successful business woman, she had to give up her daughter and cut ties with many of her other family members just to achieve it.
The tone of the play seemed a bit dark and the attitude was one of struggling to find happiness, or just to survive in the world. I think the intention of the play was to make the audience question the abilities of working women. Can they be aggressive, cutthroat, successful career women and also have a family life with loving, nurturing, and kind attributes? I also think the intention was to show that sometimes getting what you want in life requires that you sacrifice something else that may also be very important.
I was impressed with the acting abilities of the cast because they made the show very realistic and I found myself caught up in the story line and sitting on the edge of my seat. Since the play was set in
The stage that the cast performed on was very simple. Studio 115 is a small room fit for a small audience. The props mostly consisted of black boxes and flat, black boards used for tabletops. The lighting was very simple as well. The most extreme use of light was when a spotlight was needed and another time when there was some flashing that resembled lighting. The sound of the play was great and I enjoyed the music they used, which was 1980’s song renditions to fit each character and scene. The costumes were also fairly basic but I highly enjoyed how each character from the dinner scene changed their clothes in front of the audience and became a new character. To me this kind of signified that the characters were parallel in some way. It was interesting that they essentially used the same attire from the first scene to create an entirely different costume for the following scenes. The production elements were not extravagant in any way compared to other plays that I have seen. But I honestly didn’t think it mattered much as long as the acting was well done, which, in this case it was.
Overall I think the play was well done and Mike and I were both happy we went to see it. Watching the performers made me want to become a better actress for the scenes we are working on in my acting class. I also felt inspired to go watch more plays! I think there is something to be said about live theater that just does not compare to watching a movie. If a play can capture my complete attention and draw me into the story and impact me in a way that makes me think about myself and my life with a different perspective, then it has accomplished something. And I feel like this particular play did just that.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Wonderful March
Cute Boy
P90X Coleslaw

I'm a big fan of coleslaw so I was excited and curious to taste this recipe since it is uniquely different than a traditional coleslaw recipe. We modified it a little bit which is shown in parentheses. I actually liked the way this slaw turned out. The only problem for me is that it seemed too onion-y, so I would use less red onion, but that's just me.
3 cups green cabbage, shredded
1 cup red cabbage, shredded
1 cup jicama, julienned (Jicama can be found in most grocery stores near the potatoes and onions. That's exactly what it tastes like to me too: a mix of potato, onion, and apple. It gives this salad more crunch.)
1/2 red onion, finely chopped
2 Red Delicious apples, finely diced (We used Cameo apples, which Mike and I agree are superior to all the other apples.)
1/2 cup fat-free mayonnaise (We used regular mayo here. I don't much like the after-taste of fat-free foods. And you know, if they take out the fat they've got to replace it with something else anyway. So, if I'm going to eat something like mayo, or ice cream, or a cookie, I'd rather eat the real deal in a smaller portion than a lot of the fake stuff. But again, that's just me. This recipe is designed for people trying to lose weight, so you make the call.)
1/3 cup white vinegar
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons fructose (We just used regular sugar.)
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons caraway seed
1/4 teaspoon salt
pinch white pepper
1. Combine the vegetables and apples in a large bowl and mix well.
2. Combine the remaining ingredients in a small bowl and mix well to make dressing.
3. Pour the dressing over the slaw and toss until evenly coated. Cover tightly and chill before serving.
Serves 12