Our little man had his 2nd birthday on October 28th. This year we didn't throw him a party. Some of you will remember last years party and how stressful it was for me. This year was pretty low key. Mike had to work during the day so Vessel and I went to the park in the morning to play.

When Mike got home from work we let Vessel open his gifts. This year we didn't go all out with the toys. We got him some Lego blocks and a remote control dump truck to go with his other trucks. He was pretty content with both.

Vessel's nursery leader and her daughter (our dear friends) came over and presented Vessel with a pillow and blanket they made. There were cars on them so V was pretty excited!

After the gifts we just ate dinner and relaxed as a family. We didn't even have birthday cake!! (We were planning to celebrate with my family on Saturday and having a birthday cake then.)
However, Mike did make 2 beautiful loaves of banana bread, which we consumed like it was cake. Mmmmmmm! My husband is the greatest.
Vessel has brought so much laughter and joy in our lives. We are so happy that he is a part of our family. I really can't believe it's been 2 years since his birth! Happy birthday buddy!