Friday, August 29, 2008
Today's Thoughts
2. We are going to Canada this weekend. It will be my first time there and I am eager to practice my Canadian with the natives. :)
3. I constantly observe Vessel. It is the best when he knows I'm not watching. During my observations I have found something interesting. Vessel always draws with his right hand. But when he feeds himself with a spoon or fork, he always uses his left hand.
4. I am craving Indian food. Sadly, Great Falls has no Indian restaurants.
5. I have been on a Ben and Jerry's kick for a couple of weeks now. I told Mike that if I keep this up I can picture my heart looking like it's been dipped into a giant vat of lard. Attractive eh?
6. Fall is on it's way. The kids are all back in school. The pool is closing up for the year. And the nights are getting colder. Where did the summer go?
7. There is no sales tax in Montana. I am blown away every time I buy something for a dollar and the total amount of my purchase comes out to...a dollar.
8. Who made up the silly rule that you can't wear white after Labor Day? I'm gonna wear white when I want regardless of what the fashion police think!
9. And the most exciting thought on my mind is that we are going to make an offer on a house at 5:00 tonight!!! As a first time home buyer I am so nervous and scared. But I think this will be a good house for our family to live in while we're in Montana. I guess we'll see if they accept our offer.
10. A superb number to close on. Go get yerself a pint of Ben and Jerry's. :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Mike and I went on a date last night and ended up watching The Rocker at the local theater in town. The movie stars Rainn Wilson (Dwight from The Office) and it's his first appearance as the lead in a movie. Mike and I didn't have high expectations after the reviews we read. Basically everyone said it was stupid and not worth watching. But I have to disagree. It wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. Trust me, I've seen many movies that were WAY worse. Yeah, it had it's stupid moments, but for the most part I thought it was pretty funny. I even laughed out loud a few times. I especially enjoyed the facial expressions "Fish" made as he was playing the drums. There was also a line in there about John Lennon that was a little crude but for some reason made us bust up laughing. Yeah, we're immature. So here's the lowdown on the flick: In the 80's, Robert "Fish" Fishman and his band Vesuvius play at small venues, bars, and things of the like. Their agent promises to get them a huge deal opening up for a big name band, if only they agree to let drummer "Fish" go and replace him with someone else. "Fish" is booted out and moves on with his life working one crap job after another while Vesuvius ends up making it big. "Fish" spends the next 20 years being bitter and cynical about the band's success, until an opportunity falls into his lap. His nephew is in a band called A.D.D. and they just happen to lose their drummer. Convenient right? A.D.D. agrees to let "Fish" play with them for their "big gig" at the high school prom. After botching up that performance, the band decides to get rid of him. However, "Fish" persuades them to let him stay in the band if he can get them a real show. He actually comes through, but some obstacles get in the way to deter them from making it. The band members are all grounded and unable to practice together, until Fish's nephew Matt comes up with the idea to practice with eachother via webcam on their computers. Out of touch Fish doesn't realize he's on camera and practices naked. Matt's little sister uploads the video on the ever popular You Tube and the video gets millions of hits and becomes known as the "naked drummer" video. Soon after, a record producer is offering them a deal and a tour. The rest of the story is pretty predictable. Fish has a small romance, the band goes on to be successful despite the many obstacles and mishaps along the way, and Fish finally feels like he's making up for lost time. Yada yada yada. Some people have compared this film to Almost Famous or School of Rock. Except, there really isn't a moral to this story. Follow your dreams maybe? I don't know. The movie doesn't have a lot of depth or creative plot twists, but it wasn't completely boring. And there were some ideas that were a little hard to believe. Like a heavy metal "butt rock" hair band still being popular now, or some really old drummer playing with a bunch of punky, angsty teens. Wait for it to come out on DVD so you don't waste 8 bucks on something you might not like. The only thing I wasn't a big fan of was the incessant footage of Rainn Wilson's naked body. Way too much skin for my eyes, considering what Rainn Wilson's body looks like without clothes. Otherwise, not a bad film if you're in the mood for something stupidly funny that doesn't require a lot of thinking.
"We stand behind every cow we service"
There's a compromise we'd have to make, though. Let me ask you all a question:
Would you live across the street from this sign?

Pretty crazy, eh? Yeah, right in the middle of a nice, quiet residential neighborhood, you've got a sperm bank for cows! Here's a link to the company website.
So what do you say? Is this a deal breaker??? We need opinions!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Ode To My Husband

Just thinking I am a pretty lucky broad. Mike is an amazing partner in life. I feel so blessed to be married to him! Here are some reasons why I love my sweetie so much.
1. He is a very hard worker. He has a wonderful work ethic and does his best at whatever job he's given. It is because of his hard work that I am blessed to stay home with our lovable Vessel.
2. He never complains about it.
3. He is a great cook.
4. He always puts me and V first.
5. He always listens to me when I go off on one of my rants.
6. He's hella funny! He cracks me up continually.
7. He's bloody good at Dr. Mario.
8. He works hard to fulfill the responsibilities of his church calling.
9. He's an optimist.
10. He likes to have a good time.
11. Vessel adores him.
12. He is very spiritual and very knowledgeable. He is such a strength to me and can melt any doubts I have with his unwaivering testimony.
13. He likes to keep the peace.
14. He thinks about things long and hard before making an important decision.
15. He knows big words. I'm always like, "honey, what does this mean?" And he has the definition stored somewhere in his brain.
16. He's easy on the eyes (i.e. he's HOT)
17. He helps me wash the dishes.
18. He motivates me to be a better person.
19. He gives me room to grow and develop my talents and find my own way when I need to.
20. He is always up for trying something new. For instance, if something sounds incredibly weird (i.e. gross) on a menu, he'll want to order that exact thing.
21. He's a "curb kicker."
22. He does the grocery shopping.
23. He's excellent with money and ensures that we make wise financial decisions.
24. He's not afraid of a challenge.
25. His kisses make me melt.
26. He's always willing to give me a back rub.
27. He gives me compliments all the time.
28. He has great taste in music.
29. He works hard to achieve his goals. He will find a way to get what he wants in life.
30. He's got crazy names for people and things, which always makes me laugh.
31. He never criticizes me.
32. He likes to exercise, be active and play one on one sports with me.
33. He does random acts of kindness for me and others.
34. He is very loyal and trustworthy.
35. And forgiving.
36. He shaves before he kisses me.
37. He's got killer dance moves.
38. He's got mad banjo playing skillz.
39. Even though he has a fear of heights, he'll go rock climbing with me or anything else involving high places.
40. He balances me out. His strengths are my weaknesses.
There's plenty more, but to save you all from dying of boredom reading a super long mushy list about my baby, I'll stop here. :)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hooray For Michael Phelps!
Two and a Half
Friday, August 15, 2008
It Sounds Belly-rific
Here are a few blurps from the author of this article.
Give me a back rub any day. Knead my shoulders, neck, even my head. But the belly is a very different story. A private space, shy and vulnerable, my abdomen rarely gets touched by hands other than my own. It would take a leap of faith to allow a stranger to probe this tender region.
Like much of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the goal of chi nei tsang lies in harmonizing your internal systems...encouraging the body toward health from it's core outward. As I would come to see, however, something else happens when you allow your long neglected abdominal skin, tissues, and organs to be massaged. Surrendering to your vulnerability brings on a relaxation of the deepest kind. ...this is called the parasympathetic state, and is "where healing takes place." ...the technique detoxifies the body, releases long stored tensions, and stimulates the circulatory, metabolic, and lymphatic processes. Furthermore, it can aid digestion on multiple levels---easing intestinal troubles while helping you process "stuck" emotional and energetic issues. Because emotions are stored in the gut, "working on the belly allows us to work directly on the feelings," says Marin (founder of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute in Oakland, California.) Profound emotional releases are not uncommon, and several clients I spoke with experienced tears, visions, or long-forgotten memories during their treatments.
Like most people, I had never allowed my belly to be massaged, so there was a lifetime of trouble stored there. It's no wonder it emitted sharp throbs as it let itself go.
To read the entire article, click here.
I think it sounds really interesting. But now I want to know what you guys think of this and any other alternative medicines such as acupuncture, iridology, hypnosis, etc. Let me know if you've ever tried it or know someone who has!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ward Temple Trip

By the time we got to Billings I was tired and hungry. It was about 10:30 and Mike ordered a pizza to be delivered to the room. In the meantime we got ready for bed and played with Vessel who enjoyed exploring the room. He slept most of the way in the car, so I didn't know if he'd go to sleep very easily that night. The 3 of us sat on one of the beds eating pizza and watching T.V. until about midnight. We knew we had to get up early so we finally called it a night. Mike and I layed on one bed with Vessel between us. Vessel just kept talking and jabbering in the dark. He would say the word for everything he touched, like blanket, pillow, "mommy hair" and various parts of our faces until eventually he fell asleep around 1am. The next morning we got showered and ready to go to the temple. There were some very nice volunteers from our ward to watch children while their parents did temple work. The temple was beautiful, inside and out, just like every temple I've had the opportunity of seeing. There was something different about my experience at this temple, which I will probably go into more detail in a later post. It was powerful and spiritually strengthening and I seemed to develop a greater love for EVERYTHING. It was truly amazing. Afterwards we picked up Vessel from the Stake Center and went back to the temple for the traditional ward picture.
Here are some pictures of just our little family.

We finally got back on the road, and Mike drove most of the way home. It was just as beautiful. I'm so happy we were able to go on the trip, regardless of the not so good moments a long the way! It was worth it. :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I've Been Tagged
3 joys, 3 fears, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 facts about myself, 3 goals, and then tag 5 other people. Leave a comment for the people you tag so they know they have been tagged.
Joys: (okay, I'm not going to state the obvious like friends, family, etc.)
1. Cruising on my longboard on a crisp day
2. Anything artsy or crafty
3. Swimming in the ocean and lying on the warm beach afterwards
1. Becoming paralyzed from the neck down.
2. Losing my mind.
3. Being buried alive.
1. Lists. Making them and checking them off.
2. Blogging.
3. Lately, finding the perfect house.
1. I gave birth to my son completely unassisted by drugs or epidural.
2. I worry about losing things constantly. Files on the computer, my wallet, my wedding ring, pictures, friends, and just about anything that's important to me I'm scared of losing. (I guess I could've put this in the fear category, but it was already filled up.)
3. I get motion sickness pretty bad.
1. Be a better listener.
2. Work on getting my food storage where it needs to be.
3. Follow a schedule so I use my time more wisely.
Tag your it:
1. Bekah
2. Tracy
3. Melissa T.
4. Josie
5. Claire
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Bloom Where Your're Planted
Vessel is growing up fast. He probably knows over a hundred words now and is putting small sentences together like, "watch movie," "I'll do it," or "made a mess." Of course a lot of words still come out sort of unclear to other people, but being around him all day I've learned what he means (i.e. "ah-dai-kit" means "I like it.") We got him is very own potty recently and he loves the thing because it has a little button on it that plays music. The first thing he said when he woke up this morning was "Vessie potty." It made me laugh because he thinks it's his toy or something. He is such a sweet kid and I just love that boy so much! He's always copying everything Mike and I do and say, which is a good thing since it reminds us to set a good example. We have been striving to have FHE every week and family scripture study (something we've always struggled with in the past.) We aren't a perfect family, but I've noticed that when we are making an effort to do these things, our lives go more smoothly and there's less contention in our apartment.
Things for me are going all right. I have had time to work on a number of projects that I never had time for before. I have almost completed the editing and compilation of my journals. I have also been able to read books for pleasure (imagine! for pleasure= not required for school!) and do some painting projects. I have also been honing my cooking skills and that is a huge accomplishment for me. Last week I got called as secretary in the Primary of our ward. I've never had a calling in the primary, but I anticipate it will be enjoyable. I have been able to make some friends (members and non members) since living here. You know, I had been praying to meet some people I could relate to and hang out with. And then just last week I had a cool experience. It was hot so I thought about taking Vessel to the pool. I kept going back and forth with the idea, just because I wasn't really in the mood, but I knew Vessel needed to get out of the house and would have a good time. So eventually I had this feeling I should go. At the kiddie pool I was able to meet a nice girl and her son that is about Vessel's age. We had a good time talking and laughing and it turns out we had similar moving experiences (she's new to
In an earlier post I mentioned that our new ward was questionable. But after attending for a few weeks now, we feel more comfortable and have come to realize that there are lots of nice people who we can see ourselves being friends with. We are going to
We’ve been thinking about taking a trip up to
In other news, Mike and I are in the beginning stages of buying our first home! We found one we really liked and seemed to fit the bill of what we wanted. It had remodeled EVERYTHING, new carpet downstairs, hardwood upstairs, 4 bedrooms, a spacious kitchen, a yard, a 2 car garage, etc. And it was in our price range. Unfortunately it turns out someone had already made a solid offer on it. We were bummed, but we kept looking. We’ve scoured the neighborhoods and looked online for stuff in our price range and what we want. Like I said, we don’t want a fixer-upper. We want a house that we can just move into as-is. Yesterday, the realtor we’ve been talking to mentioned a cheap house we should look at. So we drove over there last night and fell in love! The house is incredibly affordable for us, and it’s just the right size. The main floor has the living room, kitchen, dining room and a bathroom. Upstairs has a master bedroom, bathroom, and two more bedrooms. The basement is unfinished and I don’t see us finishing it if we actually buy the place. Basically we’d just do laundry and keep food storage down there. We like the house, and although it’s been updated, it still scares me to buy such an old house. I think it was built in like 1910 or something. So we need to get the low down on the place like if the foundation is good and get it inspected. The yard needs some major TLC, but I’m not too worried about that. I’d rather have a nice house and a fixer-upper yard than a nice yard and a fixer-upper house. We would probably plant more trees, make a garden and start over with new grass and build a picket fence out front. I have all these ideas swimming in my head of what I would do with the place. It’s got really high ceilings, which Mike and I LOVE, a deck, a balcony leading out from the master bedroom and all new windows and doors. There are a lot of things we like about it, especially the price. Oh, and it’s in the ward boundaries that we’re in now. But who knows if we’ll end up getting it. I guess we’ll just have to pray about it.
Anyway, like I said, life has just been good. Of course we’ve had our ups and downs since moving, but what normal person doesn’t? We've just tried to focus on the ups and make the most of our lives. And the Lord has really blessed us and I am grateful for that. Since finding out that Montana was going to be our new residence, I've been repeating in my mind the adage "bloom where you're planted." Montana wasn't our first choice of where to live. But I know there is a reason for us to be here. And I suppose I could complain a lot and hate it here and constantly think about our old life with all our family and old friends (who we still miss dearly by the way!) or I can make our life here as great as possible. I think I'd rather do the latter. And so far Montana hasn't been so bad at all...
Here we are at the Pet and Doll parade in GF.